as time is old....

Mar 31, 2010 08:31

I figured I'd talk about me for once.. seeing as most if not no one talks to me much anymore. I don't even use this journal thing. I am bored now and writing in it for once. So, I'll give a update of my life where I stand how things have changed and what the future will be like.

So, I've moved back up to Pennsylvania to stay with my sister once more. I have been working since day 1 of my arrival. I've taken up the job in Childcare, which has proven to be challenging but very fun. I enjoy spending time around the 4 children I have. They've grown to love me as much as their own mother. They love my cooking better then hers and I spend more time with them then she does. I work more then I've ever worked at any job. Its none stop constant work. This month alone I've barely had 4 days off. Half the time I work from 7:30am to 11pm. I do make good money though as I'm employed by the state. A company called CCIS. They are cool, I've been working on developing a business plan for when I return back to Florida. Planning on opening up my own extended hours day care. Good money in childcare.

As for the love life I have, well my girlfriend apprently has replaced me while I've been absent working up here. Kinda sudden and without notice. I found out by reading over a blog of hers on facebook. I was shocked, however I view this as my chance to move on and stop being held back. Somethings in my life just were not connecting and I felt I was holding myself back. I do care about my ex.. However I did not care for the attitude. I was done with tempers after the last person I had anger problems with.
I do have a idea of a ideal mate or lover, however I'm not sure if I'll ever find someone who can deal with being with me.. I'm not your basic Foxy fluff, I'm alot more complicated. I can be simple and be your basic foxy, however I'm alot more different. Sometimes things in life just do not seem to be going as I plan them, I need someone who can deal with these changes when they come up. Also it'd be great to find someone who can be a alpha.. or Dominate.

As for my future, I will be up here in PA till after September, which by then I'll decide whether or not I will stay or not. I've been thinking much about it and I love everyone down south so much but. I have a job here currently and I have alot going on. For once I'm actually ahead of the game. I have been trying to save money and its starting to happen finally. Its nice for a change.

All around though I feel great, I'm happy aside from being lonely. I have my sister and brother-in-law. Which he's always been kinda like a father to me. I don't know what to do. My own Real brother seems to be lost.. I don't know why we never hear from him. I feel as if he's been sucked into a void of some type. We all miss him and wish he'd not be so distant. Work is work though.

I've started a diet. I am planning on getting slimmer and more in shape. Started bout a week ago and sticking to the plan! I don't wanna be a fat slob sitting infront of a computer for the rest of my life. I wanna be able to go out get checked out and be a ideal choice for a mate. I know in reality I'm caring, loving, responsible, and always helpful. Its time though to make myself look the part not just seem it. I wanna change WHO I AM.

No one deserves to spend their lives alone.. I am seeking a Mate with good intentions.

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