[Action] Egg run.

Nov 19, 2009 16:54

[Even with that new area of available floor space, a man can only stay in the same apartment for so long before...leaving it. And even Usopp, invested in testing dials and less than eager about running into potential psychopaths as one can get, is but a mere man. So what does a man do when he's going out and about for the hell of it ( Read more... )

*action, most helpful android ever, squalo, stand by your giant slingshot, just let me get my damn eggs, luka

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[Action] torrenziale November 19 2009, 23:44:57 UTC
[Did someone say 'psychopath'? Squalo, who is slowly beginning to feel like the Varia house mother, and he doesn't particularly like that, is out shopping - again. He stands there in the aisle for a moment or two watching this joker examining the cartons and grows...irritable. You're not the only one who wants eggs, bucko.]



[Action] 1/2 sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 00:35:30 UTC
[Hold one second, jumping out of skin because that sounded very directed towards him: kthnx.]


[Action] 2/2 sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 00:36:37 UTC

[Respond in kind, they say.]


[Action] torrenziale November 20 2009, 00:44:34 UTC

[He gestures expressively toward the egg section.]

Are you gonna stand here all day? Pick one; move on. It's an easy concept.


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 01:05:04 UTC
[Voi? Well he's heard his fair share of weird sounding things, so that can slide. Besides, his shopping is at stake here.]

H-hey! I can't just pick any eggs like everyone else does! They have to be the right size and shape and weight or they won't work!

It's a delicate PROCESS!


[Action] torrenziale November 20 2009, 01:13:31 UTC
[His shopping is at stake. Squalo is a hair's breadth away from doing something violent with the eggs if he doesn't hurry up.]

Oh? [He quirks an eyebrow at the guys emphatic reasoning.] For whaaaaat?


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 01:42:20 UTC
For AMMO. [What else would he need eggs for? Not like he cooked.]


[Action] 1/2 torrenziale November 20 2009, 03:28:44 UTC
For ammo...


[Action] 2/2 torrenziale November 20 2009, 03:30:15 UTC
What kind of lame weapon uses EGGS as AMMO?!


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 03:56:03 UTC
[Lame? LAME? Herein lies a second of indecision, battling the urge not to get into trouble with the urge to stand up for his HAND-MADE WEAPON, not to mention a little thing called his pride. Guess what wins.]

The kind that can't just depend on- on mindless punching and slashing to get the job done! [Pausing for a beat.] AND IT'S NOT LAME! AND THEY'RE ROTTEN EGGS. [Once more.]



[Action] torrenziale November 20 2009, 16:15:02 UTC
[The egg-man's attitude does not impress him and neither does the idea of his weapon. He rolls his eyes.]

I see. Well, that sounds effective...if you're out defending some kiddy tree fort!

VOI! WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE; A DAMN POTATO GUN? [He points a finger at the guy.] Tell me now because I'm checking out the produce next, and I don't want to run into you and your weirdness there.


[Action] 1/3 sniperkingftw November 21 2009, 03:52:05 UTC


[Action] 2/3 sniperkingftw November 21 2009, 04:02:36 UTC
Potato gun?!

[This guy...this 'voi' guy...Usopp seems to be falling victim to an inner explosion of shame and rage. He'd faced armed marines with such battle tactics, violent mermen, legions of zombies, and he was being mocked with a potato gun?

It would be admittedly easier to prove the strength of his weaponry if he'd had Kabuto with him. However, he only has his old slingshot in his pocket right now, for both the sake of subtlety and the fact that he's yet to check Kabuto's limits in this place. After this inner explosion, he has a moment of indecision.]


[Action] 3/3 sniperkingftw November 21 2009, 04:16:28 UTC
[No ammo yet. No idea who this guy is. Desire to live without being maimed: completely intact. BUT HE IS ALSO PISSED.]

You're...You're lucky I DIDN'T make a potato gun! And you're lucky I don't have any of my boshi yet! AND WHO'S THE WEIRD ONE HERE, YOU- [Sanji and Zoro made this look so easy, but it really isn't. And he's supposed to be good with his imagination to boot. Back to the old standbys, then.] YOU JERK!


[Action] torrenziale November 21 2009, 23:39:06 UTC
[ooc: lol XDD | The term "boshi" means absolutely nothing to him, and he could care less about it. Moreover, since he has no idea about Kabuto and what it can actually do, Squalo automatically assumes he has the upper hand. He's certainly not going to let this weirdo show him up. Hubris? Yeah, maybe just a little...]

HAHA! HEEEEEY, TRASH! [And he goes and grins one of his mentally unstable grins.]

Was that a threat?


[Action] 1/2 sniperkingftw November 22 2009, 06:22:00 UTC
[HOSHIT THIS GUY IS NUTS. And this all was...over eggs?

What exactly was he into here and how could he get himself out of it?]


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