[Action] Egg run.

Nov 19, 2009 16:54

[Even with that new area of available floor space, a man can only stay in the same apartment for so long before...leaving it. And even Usopp, invested in testing dials and less than eager about running into potential psychopaths as one can get, is but a mere man. So what does a man do when he's going out and about for the hell of it ( Read more... )

*action, most helpful android ever, squalo, stand by your giant slingshot, just let me get my damn eggs, luka

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[Action] lukanightfever November 19 2009, 22:40:32 UTC
[Luka can be found at the store too searching for ice-cream for her brother and some other food, specially now that she's practicing cooking. She has had the theory and several recipes in her database for nine months, about time she began to use them since there's nothing else to do.]


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 00:34:13 UTC
[Hm, what's this? OH. He'll set down his latest candidate and walk over.]

Luka! Hi!


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 00:36:04 UTC
[Smiles at Usopp.]

Hello Captain Usopp! How are you today?


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 00:43:36 UTC
I'm doing fine! Luffy brought home these elephants and they take up a lot of room so I thought I'd get some fresh air and then I remembered that I needed some eggs to use as ammo, so why not take care of that while I was out- [He'll shut up now, because yeah, not the only one who can talk, right?]

How are you?


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 00:46:06 UTC
I see, that's great! [Wait, Luffy? She has heard that name before.]

Uhm... [A long pause.] Captain Usopp, do you know a skeleton musician named Brook?i


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 00:57:06 UTC
Brook? Of course I do.

[Oh right. Brook is now remembered as the skeletal buzz-killer for a reason. Well he'll just cross that bridge when she comes to it.]

He told me he met you over the journals, too. [Let's get a little heartfelt.] Thanks for showing him the guide, it really helped.


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 01:03:55 UTC
[Smiles widely.] So there aren't two Usopps! We got a bit confused over it. [What with one talking about Captain Usopp and the other saying Usopp wasn't the captain.]

It's okay, I love to help. I got a lot of help when I first used the journal, it's only right that I show the same kindness and help to others. Plus Mr. Brook is awesome and lovely [Yes, she said lovely.] I'm looking forward to meet him in person and sing with him!


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 01:10:43 UTC
I bet you'll both do really well together, too! [Oh right.]

Heh, no, I'm the only Usopp [He hopes.]. I guess I got a bit carried away when I was talking to you. Sorry.

I was telling the truth about Sky Island though, I swear!


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 01:16:00 UTC
Mmm? Why are you apologizing Captain Usopp?

[Smiles.] I didn't doubt about that, though I don't believe the thing about a big crew. Personally I think it's better a small crew, too many people makes hard to be all friends.


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 01:51:08 UTC
Ah, I kind of lied about being a captain. Wasn't very polite. I'm going to be one someday though. [DETERMINATION.]

I guess you're right about that. It wouldn't have been nearly as fun if there were a lot more of us.


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 02:23:07 UTC
[Laughs.] I'm sure of it, that's why I'll keep the Captain Usopp if you don't mind. Plus it wasn't a bad lie, it was nice and I liked to hear about those adventures, but next time maybe I could get more of the real ones? The Sky Island sounded great.

How many are in your crew then? I only know of you, Mr.Brook, someone named Nami, Luffy and the cyborg Franky. That's not all, is it?


[Action] 1/2 sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 02:39:18 UTC
[She really thinks so?]



[Action] 2/2 sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 02:43:20 UTC
[Right, shaking it off for the moment.]

I will, for sure. We've done a lot of really amazing things together.

There are nine of us. Me, Brook, Nami, Luffy, Franky, Sanji, Chopper, Robin and Zoro. Luffy's the captain, not me. Nami is our navigator, and Sanji is the chef, and Chopper's our doctor, and Robin is an archaeologist, and Zoro is a swordsman. And, well, you already know about Franky and Brook.

[Allow him to sound insufferably proud of his crewmates, thank you very much.]


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 10:47:25 UTC
[Smiles, happy to hear him so proud of his crewmates.] That sounds like a well rounded crew, and you sound so proud... I'm glad you have good friends like that Captain Usopp, and if what Mr. Brook said is any sign they have you in high appreciation too.

Are all of them here? Except Mr. Franky of course.


[Action] sniperkingftw November 20 2009, 11:49:51 UTC
There are only five of us, at the moment. But Brook didn't get here long after I did, so we might have more soon. Robin, Sanji, Franky and Chopper are all still back in our world.

[Well he misses them, but he's not a fan of mass kidnapping, either.]


[Action] lukanightfever November 20 2009, 11:53:36 UTC
[Nods.] I see, well you have a good amount of friends here, that's good even if it's under this circumstances.

[Smiles remembering he mentioned something about eggs and ammo.] You said you use eggs as ammo? How does that work?


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