
Jul 26, 2010 17:12

[ Once the fighting for the day is taken care of, Usopp will make his way to wherever he slept and faceplant out of gratitude for having all his limbs.

For about five minutes, before his inner worrywart is too loud to ignore properly. (which I suppose makes this forward-dated to the end of the day, surprise) ]

I think...it could be worse, out here. [ Miraculous, coming from him. But he's pretty sure he's hated other things more and he's still alive. ]

Is the house still standing? [ Can also be read as: Have you guys avoided deadly situations so far? Is Sanji still out of it? and an added side of Fighting is better with the whole crew there and I will whine about it later. ] Someone's feeding Kabuto, right?

vash, chopper, nami, *action, mama usopp is mother henning, *voice, *draft, feed my tarantula plz, ginko, action for draftees only sry, fenimore, zoro, brook, naoki, ichigo

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