Dangly Bits

Oct 25, 2007 00:36

A Day in the Life:

Scene: Our apartment, 10:30pm. Spazz is about to shower, which means he's wandering around in the nude, as he is wont to do. Suddenly there comes a yelp from the living-room.

Me: What?!
Spazz: Nothing! Stay where you are!
Me: Oh, God, what?
Spazz: I need my flip flop!
Me: *recognizes code for "BIG BUG" and jumps to inspect*
Bigass Roach: *hello from your ceiling!*
Me: *as Spazz rushes back by* You might want to put some clothes on before you-
Spazz: *climbs up on the couch*
Me: ...*shrug* Okay.

Seconds pass, and then:

Spazz: *yeeks and jumps around* IT FLEW AT ME AND NOW IT'S ON THE COUCH!
Me: *from the computer room* Roaches will do that.
Spazz: HOW?!
Me: On their roach wings.
Spazz: I...think I will go put on some pants.
Me: *nods* Good call.

It got away in the end, but I'm not too concerned. The roach has never gotten a good look at MY bits to try and target them.

spazz, raleigh, apartment, bugs

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