Feb 14, 2006 13:12
For some reason I tend to be the only guy who really enjoys Valentine's Day! Sure its a little sappy and blown out of proportion but I dont think there's any other day focused solely on eachother. Its a good excuse to reevaluate a relationship and if necessary regain that appreciation and admiration that may have faded since a year ago. Sure, Christmas and Thanksgiving are nice and all but there's far too much ruccus and distraction involved. Blah blah blah. I'm just a spoiler at heart and this, of all days makes it feel justified! :-)
Lindsay and I are just going to lay around after she gets out at four. Then meeting Chad and Tara for dinner at Majority which I know nothing about but its supposed to be the highest end restaurant in town. We'll see. I'm very critical of restaurants. Then parting ways with Chad and Tara and coming back here for champagne and dessert. She's a lucky girl. She's been good lately so she's getting a 6carat total tennis bracelet! Still no idea how to give it to her as we agreed to not buy anything for eachother so we could keep it free of stress and since she's hurting for money. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day today and get what you want from your significant other.