Title: Formed of Dust
machidielesCrossover: Supernatural X His Dark Materials
Word Count: 16,523
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, some Dean/Lisa
Warnings: Mild sexuality (non-explicit underage in which Sam is 16), Non-explicit Dean/soulless!Sam, mild violence, and language.
Spoilers: Up so Season 6, I guess.
Summary: His Dark Materials Fusion: Ever since Sam was a little kid he's been different, whether it was his male daemon or the mysterious Dust only Sam could see. Now he's trapped in the underworld after saving the planet, separated from his brother, his daemon, and even his body. Dean and his wolf daemon Trixin try to take care of Xantherios, Sam's dying raven daemon, but they're both starting to give up hope. When Sam returns, cold and seemingly indifferent to both his brother and his own daemon, they think they've lost him forever. At least until Castiel arrives and tells Dean that the secret to saving Sam from Hell and reconnecting soul and body lies in the Dust Dean only ever half believed in. Desperate to save his brother, Dean faces an unimaginable horror to enter the underworld and bring Sam back.
Link to Story Master Post:
http://infatuated-ink.livejournal.com/71322.htmlLink to Art Master Post: