story found at
Me, Myself and...Sev?! by SoftlySweetly
Author url: Url: Unfortunately not a young sev story, too bad. really wanted a young sev story. but it is definitely a mental illness story. only, its Harry Potter with the Mental Illness.
actual summary of story:
His childhood has caught up with him, and Harry's personality is fragmented. A one-night stand with Severus gets him pregnent, but if only your soul mate can impregnate you, what does this say for their mutual hatred? Harry sufferes from M.P.D., Sev's just a git!!!!
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looking for the fic: Me, Myself and .... Sev
I can't exactly recall what its about or where it was located or even who it was the wrote it. but I think it might have been about a mental illness or a young severus.
thank you for any assistance.
child or young Sev is missing from the Tags.