i've finally caught...

Jun 10, 2006 12:57

the dreaded cold that's been circulating around the house. oh well. i'm trying not to let it get/knock me down, though. i've got too much to do (school-wise and home-wise). i'm modifying this thai recipe for an eggplant dish this afternoon, so i can't let a stupid cold keep me from making the attempt!

plus, yes, i DO have plenty of school-related work to do.

i've been hydrating a lot... last night i drank two bottles of water in the span of 3 or 4 hours--an amazing feat, since i don't really drink water too often... and lemons and oranges are my current best friends these days. i've been putting a slice or a wedge of lemon in everything i drink, so it's been helping me quite a bit. i'm trying to avoid tylenol and other shit; hoping that vitamin c tablets, lots of fluids, citrus fruits, and sufficient rest will be enough to help me get over this damn cold. maybe a bit of time sitting in my parent's garden and getting some sun will help, too? i guess i'm just glad that i'm getting sick now as opposed to the end of june. that would be teh suck... but then again, i could still get sick around that time. i hope i don't.

ok, the bladder's freaking out over the amount of water and tea i've been drinking. i'll write more another time.
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