oh no it's 6/6/06--really, who cares?

Jun 06, 2006 10:28

if it were june 6, year 6 then okay, all this hoopla might be minutely justified. but who the fuck cares if it's 6/6/06?? just a stupid marketing ploy/gimmick, as other people have also pointed out. i bet a whole bunch of computer geeks also contemplated doing something stupidly destructive for today. i hope they decide against it, though; that would just be a massive annoyance.


i whistled my way up the stairs to my office and saw that the custodian was in the process of waxing the office floors in my area. oopsies--can't work in my room for the better part of the day. so i tidied up my office, hydrated & aerated my bamboo plant, and left the building (like elvis, though i doubt elvis had a bamboo plant, and i don't believe for a minute that he ever tidied up anything himself once he made it big). here i am now, sitting on a big comfy couch-chair (chair-couch?) on the 2nd floor of the pleasantly air-conditioned student centre. i'm overlooking the marketplace downstairs and i'm thankfully kept awake and alert by the cheesy music from La Piazza just a floor beneath me (oh yeah, and the occasional hum of the tim hortons iced cappuccino machine). just fabulous. at least i've got 3 vending machines sitting in front of me and tempting me to buy their wares. and there's a clean bathroom not more than 20 steps away from me. i just hope the loud and rowdy urchins don't flock over here. that would be mad-making, but alas--such is the risk of public spaces.

i've got all my stuff spread out on a decent-sized desk and i'm working on that annoying paper for the bibliography class. i really have to get other important shit done very soon. and the room- and closet-tidying needs to happen before we leave for LV at the end of the month.

why am I craving My Thai's spicy tofu this morning?? I just had some of that dish last night--the hell's wrong with me?!
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