Life's been hectic. Managed to survive the final weeks of term, though not unscathed. Unfortunately, in the second last week we lost another cat. Pepper had just had eye surgery when the nurse noticed she was going grey but they couldn't resuscitate her. They're still not sure what caused it as she was awake and relatively alert before her heart stopped. That she made it to 16 with all her health problems, is impressive in itself.
But the accumulated stress just conspired to make me ridiculously ill in that last week. Though because of all the work due I ended up going in every day except the last. Definitely "special".
Started work at Liquorland over the break which has been entertaining. Still stuck at the clinic though, as my boss took off overseas without bothering to replace me. After the uni exam period I'm going to push for less shifts (and possibly none altogether *gasp*) but we'll see. Extra income is always welcome, but no point in driving myself into the ground.
Salem's sick again with another eye ulcer and it's looking like he'll need surgery possibly in the next week or so. Which will make the second batch for him this year.
As for me right now, I'm just recovering from a bout of food poisoning. The last 24 hours have been really hideously unpleasant. Though thanks go to Phyro for offering to come around with score cards. Criteria? Volume and splatter factor. Am feeling much better but still very tired, headachey and nauseous. Definitely going to be taking it easy for the next few days. Thankfully I had all my homework done over the weekend so I can afford a little time off. Will mean that next weekend is back to it's regular frenetic pace though.