moar hatsss (of the modded variety)

Aug 24, 2009 01:30

Absolutely thrilled with how the pleated silk turned out on the straw hat. Lined the top of it, too, as the original either never had lining, or it fell out. Looks pretty snazzy!

Sadly, however, I cannot do my intended next step on it -- that is, relining the outside with satin -- until I have satin. Hopefully tomorrow.

I also need to start collecting random stuffs to cover the tricorn in..

Oh hey,

urg. pardon my lack of being awake there D;

Crappy picture, but it's the best I can do with a cellphone camera at 2am

The inside of the hat used to be the same icky shiny straw stuff that's on the outside, but I think the combination of the internal silk pleating, and the stain ribbon I will be adding to the outside, the ucky straw will be passable.

Yay. stuff.

millinery, sewing

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