mixes and cards.

Nov 21, 2006 17:52

I had a very early shift today at work (4:15 am! ouch!) and have been using the time since I've been home to make mixes that are going out with Christmas cards this year. I'm having so much fun! I've always loved making mixes, but I never seem to really get a chance to sit around and just put brand new ones together. So far, I've had the most fun making akukorax's mix... her's rocks. Or maybe I should say rawks, 'cause that's what it does.

Today I also got a cool package from chopchica, full of all sorts of fun little things! Yay! I love getting little packages of stuff, that's just nothing but goodtimes. Thanks, chopchica!

Also, in case anybody missed it, now is another chance to fill out my poll and let me know if you want a card and/or a mix from me this year! Also, if you aren't sending out cards this year, but would still like to get something from me, go ahead and fill in the poll. I think I said something about expecting things but not sending things being lame, but I mostly talking about me, 'cause I usually like getting stuff, but am generally too lazy to send stuff out. I sometimes suck that way. But not this year, dammit! This year I'm all about the giving. Whee!


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