somehow, this entry became all about my uterus

Mar 21, 2007 18:43


Don't you hate when you can't decide if you're a) hungry or b) nauseous?

I think I'm actually both, which is totally worse. How am I supposed to fix it? If I eat, won't I feel sicker? This is not a I-haven't-eaten nausea. Oh, dear, no. It's a good, old-fashioned, my-uterus-hates-me nausea.

Seriously, I wonder. If I'm prone to nausea when I'm having my period, what does that bode for any future pregnancies I might have? Will I be one of those poor women who is just sick all. the. time?

Since going off the Pill, I've learned a few things, and this month, I think I've learned the most important lesson of all. The past few months, the approach of Aunt Flo has been heralded by the arrival of EVIL BITCH/CRIES AT THE DROP OF A HAT!Snark, who hates herself and the world, in that order, and is completely overwhelemed by the task of day-to-day living. However, the cramps and such, once the blood started flowing (*snerk*), were annoying, but bearable.

This month, EB/CATHDOAH!Snark was nowhere to be seen. I mean, I was a teensy bit emo over the whole World War I thing, but I didn't burst into tears during my lecture yesterday or anything. (I was worried that I might.) Instead, today, I find myself having ragingily painful cramps, total exhaustion, and, ah yes, my old friend nausea--the reason I finally gave in and went on the Pill all those years ago. Hello, old friend. I can't say I missed you.

Despite the metric tons of work I have to do, I had to give up and come home early today and go to bed, b/c I absolutely couldn't concentrate anymore.

But now! Awake and in somewhat less pain, I am confronted by an awful dilemma!

What am I to have for dinner?

Where's my bloody house-elf, anyway?

(Why doesn't LJ have a cramps tag? I mean, I'd guess that the vast majority of LJers *are* women...even if the inventor is a guy.)

whining about pain, girly tmi

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