The woes of everyday life

Jul 28, 2009 23:28

I stubbed my toe the other day (I still have no idea where or how though). In the most uncomfortable place, too. I've got a small gash on the left side of my middle toe (left foot, if you care to know), so every time my 4th toe brushes the gash thing on my middle toe, it hurts. I tried using a plaster, but the first one I used was too big and therefore uncomfortable. Then finally I got one of those small round plasters specially made for small wounds, but the adhesive wasn't too strong (I guess?) so it fell off quite quickly. So now I have to wear a big one again and be uncomfortable when I walk or not wear anything and be in pain (not that it's unbearable; not at all, but it's still uncomfortable). Oh, the dilemma.

Still, on the plus side, it's nice to know my biggest concerns are small things like this. <3 Of course, I'm pretty certain if I ever write an autobiography of some sort, my life before adulthood (i.e. up to this point) will just mostly be "Born and raised in Mexico" and I won't have to bore people with petty details such as this. That's why they've got my LiveJournal for

jay, random entries, happenings, injuries

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