Most recent Doctors appointment

Sep 09, 2013 11:50

Doc got concerned when I went in to see her two weeks ago, so she ordered another glucose test (3-hour) to properly diagnose whether or not I do or do not have gestational diabetes.

The results came back that I do not, there was one high score out of the three blood draws (4 in all since there had to be a comparison sample to begin with) and in order to diagnose as being diabetic she had to get two high scores.  So, I guess it's really good that I asked for the 3-hour test... She was talking about putting me on medication and/or insulin to get it under control, just from the results of the 1-hour test done via LaGrange Hospital, which they didn't even know if they had done correctly to begin with.

After we got through all of that rigamarole, she wanted to check the baby's heart rate, like normal, and eventually found it, but Junior had shifted around while we were sitting in the waiting room, and by the time she got to me, he was inverted, so now she believes he is breach and has asked for another ultrasound to check his positioning, as well as how approximately large he is.

She also believes that because my uterine height measured in as being 2cm larger than expected 2-weeks ago (33cm), then 3cm too big this week (35cm), that the baby is larger than "normal".  If she is correct and he is larger than normal, there are other reasons that could account for his being a bit big, such as genetics and the fact that my blood sugar spikes right after a meal.  There also is the possibility that I just have a large amount of amniotic fluid which has made my uterus grow a bit bigger than expected.  However if you notice, there is only a 2cm difference between the two measurements, so its not actually where he is growing at a faster rate than expected, he's growing normally.  Normal growth expectations are that my uterus will grow 1cm per week, which is in line with the fact that there was two weeks between the two appointments.

So, at the next appointment, we will have an ultrasound done to make sure everything is cope-esthetic.  Checking baby measurements & positioning.

The next appointment is set with the other female doctor within the practice, a Dr. Lane, but since I wanted to meet her anyway...  Its all good because of the way that Goshen Hospital handles childbirth, being that you get whatever doctor is on call for that day, I need to have at least met all of the doctors from Fairhaven's practice so I don't feel as if I am flying blind into a snow storm and that the doctor understands what I want out of this birth.  Not that it really matters I suppose, since I don't think the doctors really remember the patients very well considering how many of them they see.

I like Dr. Borkowski, but perhaps if she is unavailable and I like Dr. Lane she'll be good enough too.  Just so long as I am not pressured into having a c-section, an episiotomy, or pressuring me into having drugs when I don't truly want or need them yet... I figure that I will have to stand up for myself at some point during this process on one of those issues, and that my husband will need to if I am incapable, but I plan to take a copy of our birth plan with us to the hospital so that they are already aware of what I would like to see happen during my birth.  The birth plan is important in so much as it is a written confirmation of what I want, however I realize I need to be flexible, and I also realize that although the nurse will be the one who is laboring me out, and that the doctor only shows up long enough for the birth to actually occur and to cut the cord etc, that it is still important for me to not feel as if I am being pushed into making decisions I would not have made otherwise were it not for the amount of emotions and pain I will be going through.

Doctors can be pigs during the birthing process, and I am tired of being seen by male doctors, so when I realized we would have to be at the hospital, I specifically requested that we have a female doctor if possible. It may not be possible the day off, but I can at least see female doctors during these weeks leading up to the big day.

The following is our current birth plan.  We shall see how well it is heeded.

Birthing Plan

Heidi E.

Expected due date:                        November 1, 2013 - November 13, 2013

Preferred Doctor:                            Dr. Borkowski, M.D.  or   Dr. Lane M.D.

Birth attendants
I would like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth, if possible:
  • Husband:  Devon E.
  • Mother:  Terri E.
  • Sister:  Megan E.
In the first hour after birth I would like the following people to be present, if possible:
  • Husband:  Devon E.
  • Mother:  Terri E.
  • Sister:  Megan E.
I would like:
  • A quiet environment
  • To play/listen to my own choice of music if I desire
  • To dim the lights to help keep myself relaxed if I choose
  • To eat light snacks & drink fluids during labor to keep my stamina up
  • To be examined internally as little as possible, only when absolutely necessary
  • To be monitored intermittently rather than continuously, using a fetal monitor
  • To be free to choose labor positions or activities (Examples: Birth ball, walking, squatting, birthing pool etc.)
  • To have my husband or sister take photos/video during labor and delivery at their discretion
Other requests: ________________________________________________________________________

Pain relief
I would like to try the following non-medical pain relief techniques:
  • Water: Bath/shower
  • Breathing techniques
  • Hot or cold packs
  • Massage
  • TENS machine
If I choose to use pain medication, I would prefer that it be given only if I request it.
  • Spinal preferred, because if I am asking for pain medication I am going to need immediate relief
  • Mobile epidural
  • Standard epidural
Other requests: _______________________________________________________________________

Labor augmentation
  • If labor is not progressing adequately, I want to try changing my birthing position and other natural methods such as walking around and nipple stimulation before drugs are administered.
  • I would prefer to have the amniotic membrane ruptured before other methods of induction are used.
  • I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless absolutely necessary
In the event of unforeseen complications, and a choice must be made between saving myself or our baby, if I am not of a sound mind to make the decision,  my husband is to make the decision for me.  In the event of his being incapable of making such a decision, my mother is to make the decision for us both.

Caesarean Birth
I have not requested a C-section.  However if a Caesarean birth is medically necessary, I would like to be informed about the reasons in a clear, coherent, respectful manner.  If I am incapable of giving consent, or am incoherent, my husband is to be informed of the reasons for the procedure in my stead.
  • I would like my husband or mother to be present at all times.
  • I would prefer to be conscious during the procedure.
  • I would like to be able to see the baby as soon as he or she emerges.
  • I would like to hold the baby immediately, assuming no medical attention is required, then be allowed to hand the infant to my husband after I have greeted our baby.
  • I would like to commence breast feeding as soon as possible.
  • I would like for the baby to remain with me or my husband at all times, even during initial tests.
Other requests: _______________________________________________________________________

Vaginal birth
At moment of birth, assuming baby & I are both progressing well, I would prefer to:
  • Push spontaneously, but with guidance
  • Try any of the following positions:  Upright / squatting / side lying / hands & knees / any other position of my choosing.
  • No episiotomy, unless absolutely medically necessary.  I would prefer to risk a tear.
  • I would like local anesthetic before any tear is repaired.
  • I would like to be able to see the baby as soon as he or she emerges.
  • I would like to hold the baby immediately, assuming no medical attention is required, then be allowed to hand the infant to my husband after I have greeted our baby.
  • I would like for the baby to remain with me or my husband at all times, even during initial tests.
Other requests: _______________________________________________________________________

After the birth I would like:
  • To hold my baby, skin-to-skin, immediately.  Any non-urgent procedures can be delayed.
  • To delay the clamping of the umbilical cord until it stops pulsating.  (2 - 5 minutes)
  • To breastfeed as soon as possible.
  • If I feel up to it I will like to be given the option of cutting the cord myself
  • I would prefer to not receive the routine oxytocin / pitocin after the birth for the expulsion of the placenta & closing of the blood vessels
All procedures & testing on the baby to take place in the presence of my husband or myself.

The following routine procedures are acceptable as long as they are done in our presence:

  • Suctioning
  • Weighing
  • Eye drops
  • Bathing
  • Circumcision
  • Blood tests
Please AVOID the following procedures:

  • Vaccinations administered to our infant
  • Micro-chip implantation in our infant
My baby is to remain by my bedside, not in a nursery,  at all times unless emergency medical procedures must be administered to save the life of my child. Proper explanations will be given as to where you are taking my child and what procedures you will be administering.

  • Breastfeeding is the normal, God designed way for a mother to feed her child.  I plan to breast feed exclusively, and respectfully request that pacifiers and bottles not be provided or offered  at any time during our stay in your facility as long as I am capable of providing for his or her feeding needs.
  • I wish to feed my baby on demand.
  • If I am unable to feed my child initially, I wish to express breast milk for my baby.
  • I would prefer that my baby be cup fed, no bottles or artificial teats as these will inhibit our babies ability to latch properly once I am capable of breastfeeding him/her.
  • I would like advice & support from lactation consultants if they are available.
If my baby is a boy, my husband and I would like him to be circumcised.

I would like to go home, with our baby, as soon as possible.  If our baby or myself, must remain in the medical facility longer than expected, my husband and I will be provided with an adequate explanation as to the nature of the complication requiring his/her extended stay for observation.

dr appt., family, baby, ultrasound

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