(no subject)

Feb 04, 2013 21:39

There is a family we know through church, Brandon used to be in the
Marines and loved it, went to Iraq and was blown up in a road side
bomb.  He is now one of our deputy sheriff's etc. so we have little to
nothing to do with them, but they have recently found out that Kristie's
body is aborting their baby (according to her doctor).  This is kind of
annoyingly frustrating on a couple different levels; not to mention
that I can relate.

In today's society, it is believed that if a
woman's body begins to abort the baby, which usually occurs within the
first trimester, the doctors believe that they should "go in" and remove
the fetus, even if there is a chance the mother can continue to carry
it to term.  Their reasoning is that then the woman can be "cleaned" out
properly so it won't cause problems for later pregnancies, but the
problem is that sometimes it causes more problems in the long run
because the woman's body recognizes that it is being invaded and then
rejects the next pregnancy so the woman's body gets into a routine of
consistent spontaneous abortions.  There are many reasons for this
"routine"; many times due to the doctor ablating too much of the uterine
wall during the "cleaning" up.  It's not right.

My firm belief
is that the Lord designed my body to make and carry babies... and if he
decides that it's not the right time, my body will do its own "cleaning"
thank you very much... it is none of my doctors business to
invade my body, remove any chance of carrying that specific baby, and
potentially injuring me in the process thereby preventing me from having
children later.  Not to mention that because the Lord designed my body
for this purpose, when my body recognizes that there is something wrong
and it needs to ex-pulse the child, it will do so in its own time! 
There is a process that the woman's body must go through, specific
hormones that must be cycled through and pushed out.  If a doctor goes
in and removes the child too soon, it will mess up the woman's hormone
levels, pushing her into a roller coaster and many times prolonging the
emotions of failure and self-questioning of "why me?" and "what did I do
wrong?" because it's a let down; a physical shock to the system.

another factor in all of this, is that when a woman becomes pregnant,
no matter if she carries that child to term or not her body keeps a
piece of the child's DNA which is then incorporated into the mothers
brain.  It's believed by some that this factor is why mothers "just
know" when something is wrong with their child, even mothers who don't
know their children due to putting the baby up for adoption or into the
foster care system.

Sorry... teeny tiny rant... this topic,
among others, really rankles me... I think that doctors are entirely too
intrusive, and that our medical rights are not as "free" for us to
choose as much as we believe them to be.  Many of our medical decisions
are being made for us by our doctors, nurses and insurance companies,
then they tell us how this situation will be or that situation
will turn out, playing God in the process, regardless that many times it
is just a guess, all-be-it an educated guess.  Know-it-all-doctors
really really get under my skin.
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