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Jan 21, 2013 15:24

My brother bought the .40 caliber version of the gun I wanted to buy on January 17th, so on January 18th I went up to talk to my grandpa to see if he would like to go up to Rex Waddles house with me to see if he had any idea where I could locate an XD-M 9mm. Rex owns R.W. Firearms Inc. with his wife Kathy, and both are extremely proficient at locating, ordering and knowing the proper laws involved with going over state lines with the firearms. Grandpa has gone to see Rex and Kathy any time he wants or needs, which at this point he has enough to fight a small war, so the word "need" is relative to the level of desire and the current political situation.

Rex, being a long time gun dealer, had the foresight to order several brand new XDM's, XDS's and other firearms, magazines and silencers which would possibly be included in a gun ban if the politicians were to put one through. So, not only was he able to locate my firearm for me (in his safe) but was able to give me several options in which one I wanted. Whether I wanted a compact or subcompact were the two main choices; the standard brand new editions of the XDM's come with a lot of accessories. A holster, two clips, clip re-loader, 3 different sizes of back strap and clip expansions to help make the firearm fit my hand better, complete cleaning kit, an NRA membership discount, full warranty for the life of the firearm so if anything goes wrong Springfield will repair it... not to mention fully detailed instructions in how to properly disassemble, clean, oil and reassemble... and to top all that off... a hard shell, locking case to keep it all in. I was like OMIGOSH what a deal!! I was beginning to be impressed, but before deciding to buy this specific pistol I thought it best to do some research. After reading up on the technical specifications and comments on the firearm by other firearms owners and gun experts, I thought I was getting a seriously good deal, if I could find it for under $700. Steven paid $710 for his .40 and I was hoping to get less than $650, which of course I did and was psyched over it to put it lightly. All of that other stuff that comes with it is worth quite a bit more than what I ended up paying for it. Especially when one considers that instead of $800, I got it for $630 because Rex doesn't really jack his prices up like normal gun dealers. He had mentioned how he only adds 10% to his prices rather than the customary 30 - 50% that normal dealers tack on.

As well as my purchase, Matt also purchased two firearms from Rex & Kathy. He's so excited about them that they barely leave his hands. Both of us have concealed carry weapons permits on the way, but because it could be as long as 6-months before they will come in the mail, or the rejection letter comes (which I have no idea why they would with Matthew or I) Matt just has to bide his time till he can carry legally.

Because Matt & I both live in Indiana, and R.W. Firearms is in Michigan, Matthew & I had gone over to the gun dealer (B&B Guns) located 3-miles away (who deals primarily in antique long-guns), to ask if he would be willing to accept a firearms transfer for us.

** In order to purchase firearms over state lines, the buyer gives the seller the name and address of the firearms shop which the buyer would like to have the seller ship the firearm to so the state licensed gun dealer can inspect the firearm for defects or illegal-to-own details for that specific state. Each dealer has a number issued by the Federal Government called an "FFL". This number is required for all firearms purchases no matter what state you live in, it just is part of the paperwork that the buyer generally is not involved in.

I mentioned this in a previous post, but there is a serious "run" on firearms and ammunition. So, the result has been that I have a brand new pistol, freshly oiled, begging to be fired... and no ammunition to do it with! Bummer!! LOL

Overall it's probably OK that I haven't had the opportunity to go shooting yet, because it's really cold outside. Right now it's like... 10 with a wind chill of -4 or something. It's awful. Not as awful as the temperatures in Minnesota, they have it way way worse with -30 and -40 wind chills, but I'd say that it's bad enough here because I have to work out in that awful stuff... silly routes anyway... and silly brothers who make me wake up too early... :-P

Photos of my new firearm are coming shortly. :-D
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