Jan 13, 2010 22:33
The human being is a sinful, hateful, disgusting specimen of life. If left to themselves they would be unable to survive on their own and so require a master to rule over our lives and determine the rules of the universe. People question “Is there a God?” “Who is God?” “If there is a God, why should I care?” or will state “I believe there is someone greater than myself taking care of me, but I do not think he is a God” or “I know there is a God, but I don’t want to deal with him right now”. How absolutely selfish! The Christian religion of today is not perfect, far be it from me to ever make such a claim! However to state that they know there is a God, but to want nothing to do with him because he wouldn’t fit into their nice little box of life is ludicrous!
Still others will ask, after admitting that there is a God, “How can I know that the Bible is true?” Well, first of all, there are all of the prophesies. Second of all, there is archeology that backs up the Bible. However, we in the Christian community face a dilemma. Even some of our ministers do not truly believe that the Bible is God-breathed! They will face judgment for that one day, but truly, this fact is astounding to me. How can a person become a minister of God, without truly believing everything that that entails?! I have a theory about this; I believe that when they went through their ministry training, they truly did believe in everything that the Christian religion requires of them, but as time passed and pressures began to push on them from all sides, they lost sight of the real reason they do what they do.
I live with my parents, and our home is one of peace from the outside world, love for each other, hope for the future and faith in God. My parents do their best to provide this atmosphere for us all. All of us are now old enough to take responsibility for our actions and do our part to ensure that these characteristics remain in our home, so it is no longer solely my parent’s responsibility but all of ours.
I have not always been the easiest child to handle, having always been willful and outspoken with a questioning mind and a desire to learn. During my growing up years I’m sure I asked more than a few questions that my parents wished I hadn’t, and during my teenage years I was more than a bit rebellious, but I’ve come to realize just how important it is for our home to remain as it is. I have been told by some of my friends that I should move out, that I am “old enough” and that I should stop being so dependant upon my family but I don’t really agree. Right now, my place is here. Had I moved out prior to being dumped, I would not have survived this heartbreak as well as I have. If any of those qualities had been missing during my formative years, I would be a different person than I am today.