Oh my god..

Sep 30, 2001 01:30

UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE WORST YEAR OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!! As if life couldnt get worse I'm


Ugghh!! I am so pissed at my parents!!! My mom is so damn nosey, she caught me on the phone with my boyfriend Jim and my friend Roo and heard me say "I love you" and shit and "I hate my mom" and shit!!! So she comes up there and hangs the phone up and screams and yells then crys and runs to her room and then screams at me again so I go upstairs and do what any normal human being would do. I cut myself. And then she finds out I sneak on the comp alot so she takes all the phone cords and then she catches me on the phone with Jim but luckily my mom picked up when I was talking so she never knew I was on with him she thought I was on with Sarah, my friend. So I get grounded again. Hmm, as if things couldnt get worse my parents call up all of my family and tells them not to let me online so I couldnt get on forever. But luckily my aunt is the coolest kick ass aunt in the world ( for now ) and let me on tonight. AND I got my report card last week and two F's and a D. ARGH!!!! And now I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever


going to get the comp back again. And I have a boyfriend on here for crist sake!!! And I love him to fuckin death!!!!!!!!!!
And now I can hardly ever talk or see him anymore. THIS SUCKS!!! I cant see my friends anymore!! Oi..And my boyfriend just signed off because his dumbass bro made him!! UUUGGGHHH!!!
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