Pretty Normal

Nov 04, 2001 00:22

Rain all day long. Thunder woke me once and I went to grab a bowl of cereal. My baby cousin Rudy had spent the night and he and my sister sat in the living room, Rudy playing with his trains. I went back to bed, having spent the whole night reading, and my sister woke me up, telling me to hop in the shower and get ready to go to Monsters Inc. I had to run and get a bottle of water for Rudy and missed some of the Harry Potter trailer, having the lines long. They had abit more added to it, for what I saw, than the ones I see on The movie I guess. I didnt really like it much..I was actually dieing to see From Hell, but its a Jack the Ripper film so my mom wont let me. I'm a huge Jhonny Depp fan..Used to watch Sleepy Hollow all the time and stayed up all night watching Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?. My sister took me to Borders afterwords and I got a Harry Potter Mag. ( It had Snape pics!! How could I resist!? Plus, my boyfriend Jim looks like Harry! Although he hates him. )But the most terrific news was Jim got the mail I sent him!!!! I was so thrilled he got it! It had some flowers ( mushed I think ), some glitter, a note, some lil "I miss you Jim" thing I drew while Sarah and Roo were spending the night, and a chain/bracelet thing that read "Jim and Trish 4-ever". Although the lady wrote the Jim and Trish part in too big than she entenshioned and stuffed in "4-ever" oddly, but likes it-He says so anyways. After Borders my sister, baby cousin, and I went to my aunts and then to Walmart for some movie my aunt wanted to get and I hung out at the book section. When she came back she had a blue thing in her hand and told me to hold out my arm. I did and then she slapped a really cool matallic blue slap bracelet that said "Angel" in silver with a halo on the "A". I showed my sister the drawing I drew of a Snape when he was in his..first or second year at Hogwarts. ( She's a big Snape fan too and hard to please. ) but she said it was good. I showed her Anne's drawings and said she loved em. Anne's so good, my favorite of her drawings is either the one of Lupin sitting in a seat in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express train, Snape ( Although he does NOT HAVE SO MANY DAMN WRINKLES AND HIS HAIR ISNT FALKEY!!!! >.< , Tom Riddle ( I nearly melted when I saw that one.. ), or THE MAURADERS one with James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and..Wormtail all grouped together grinning deviously ( Not to mention hott! ). When we got back I got on the computer and talked to Jim abit. He's so sweet. No one could ever be sweeter than him. ( Or look more like Harry Potter! xD )He was cant even find the words for him. He's just like a teddy bear ^-^ I love him sooooooo much! Although he's too sweet for his own good-My friend likes him!!!!! >.< But he got pulled off to a birthday part of his cousin's so I got onto Neopets for awhile. Stupid chef makes all these stupid quests for food and makes me run out of points..x.x;; It's still abit cloudy outside ( although you could hardly tell, its almost pitch black ). It'll probably rain tommorow ^-^ Oh! And my mom says me and her can go to the movie theater on the 14 and get Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone tickets two days early-It comes out on the 16th.
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