Oct 30, 2005 12:19
Heh, well, I'm back. I cannot possibly smush the entire month of October into this entry with any clarity of thought. But I'm sure as hell gonna try. I did recover from my cold, but went straight into the most cranky week I've had in a long time. Well, I wasn't cranky, exactly, I was bummed. I hate that, because I didn't have a reason, so I kept getting angry with myself for being in a lousy mood and angrier I got with me, the more I rebelled by feeling crumbier. "Ha!" I said to myself, "this'll REALLY fix me." Oh well, that, like my cold, lasted only a week. After all, Dana made me brownies, so I had to feel better.
I also have been up to Canada and back this month. My cousin Amber got married, and it was a lovely weekend. Actually, I left wednesday on a train, traveled for about 12 hours and had Thursday, Friday and Saturday with my mum, dad, brother (who all drove up together) and Baba. I love getting to see my family. Being so far away all year, I love the days we have together to be weird, like we are. It was also nice to be able to go to a restaurant and order a Blue Light like a normal human being. You know, I never got carded? That's why America is high strung and Canada is groovy. Heh.
In more recent news, this weekend was the MCCTA production of the Rocky Horror Show. I was a carpenter and built sets (which are marvelous, by the way!) and have been to see the show twice and will see it once more, at the big midnight showing tonight. The actors have done a fab job with it, they seem to be having huge piles of fun (especially Alden who I think takes pleasure in the fishnets and miniskirt a bit too much for comfort!) and I've enjoyed being a part of it. I went to both cast parties this weekend and particularly enjoyed the first which was busted by security, but not before Dana, myself, and three guys left and came back to our house. Two of the guys were visiting from Massachusetts and one was very friendly. We, well, we had fun, right up until and through and following the Great Vomit Catastrophe of 2005. Yes, the one lad that came back with us that was from Marist drowned himself in Wild Turkey and then drowned our bathroom in, yeah, you get the picture. My saintly roommate saw that I was really having a good night and graciously volunteered to clean it up if I would just get him out of our loo and back to his dorm. So I and my new friends escorted him back and by the time we returned Dana was done. Yeah, needless to say my gratitude is endless; I took her out to dinner.
Finally, an update on my Scotland plans. I was accepted to the Marist Abroad Program (as was Dana), but I haven't yet been given an answer from St. Andrews. My application is in and I have confidence that I'll get in, but I won't know until sometime in November. If by some horrible turn of fate I get snubbed, I'm pre-accepted into the Dublin program. I'm definitely going somewhere, that's for damn sure. Hopefully my beloved Scotland, but if Ireland is where I must go, I'll make it work. I've also been accepted into this really awesome trial study abroad class that'll be conducted by iPod (which Marist is going to buy for me! Jealous? Yeah you are!) I'll get to go around Scotland conducting local interviews and making reports and podcasting them to my class and (Marist) professors throughout the semester. I am so excited I could just skip with glee. Actually I think I will... hang on................... ok. Strange look from Dana, but I do feel better. Anyhow, I'm through blabbing; I'll update again before too long (Now I've just started in with blatant lying. Hahaha!)