Let's get going shall we?

May 08, 2008 01:28

Alrighty...it is now summer time for me and this year I plan to lose the weight I have accumulated at school *guh*  My friends around here are all so freaking skinny...of course they don't really go to school so they have time to take care of themselves...and my dad has already poked at my love handles and told me to get on the treadmill.....soooo it's time to start. I did a mile today of high speed uphill walking...but then I ate really bad (oops). But I plan to lose about five pounds every month...that way by school time next year I'll have lost twenty pounds. We'll see how long I keep up the health thing since I'll be working two jobs and all that. I can do this! For realz...changes shall be made this summer...if not now, then when??
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