Guess who I saw yesterday...

Apr 20, 2008 13:12

...I'll give you a hint...."I did not...have...sexual..relations...with..that..woman." Yuuuppers I saw Bill Clinton yesterday...even shook his hand...the man has a strong grip. He was holding a Hillary rally at our, I do not care for Hillary...buuuut come on I don't really see anything wrong with Bill..kinda like the guy...and why not get some pictures of him at what was probably my only opportunity ever...sooo here they are.

Mr. Prs

Givin his speech

this is how close I got to the man...had to just shove my hand out in the air for him to shake it haha

bidding us farewell

well...even though he already said goodbye the masses followed him out to his car anyways

final wave farewell
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