FIC: Unclean (PG-13)

Jan 27, 2021 07:30

Title: Unclean
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Four
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus, Harry/Hermione and Rolf/Luna
Author: blueartemis07
Beta(s): roseofthewest
Rating: PG-13
Click to View [Warning(s)]Targeted illnesses.
Summary: The Ministry has decided not to help either Hermione or Molly after it is determined that their unexpected comas are due to the use of dark magic. But what exactly does Luna know?

Harry read the report the Healers had left for him regarding Hermione's condition.

"I don't understand, Luna," Harry said. "I used an Unforgivable. I'm sure there were others as well, and for Merlin's sake, that is Snape and he isn't in a coma!" he exclaimed, gesturing to the right side of the room.

"Firstly, hush. I have him disguised. Secondly, what do you and the Headmaster have in common?" asked Luna. "The wrackspurts around your heads don't lie."

"Miss Lovegood, do I understand that you can see a change to our auras?" rumbled Severus Snape from the corner of the room.

"Oh, you take all the fun out of it, Headmaster," she said. "Yes. Both of you have been cleansed, quite possibly due to your similar circumstances."

Harry looked rather constipated as he thought about what their similar circumstances might b- "Oh! We both died, or well, almost!" he declared.

"Did that hurt, Potter?" Snape sneered from his corner. "Since Miss Granger is lying here, you can't use her to answer all your questions?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" Harry demanded? "Not anywhere else."

"I'm certain that the remaining Weasley brothers threatening you regarding Miss Weasley's condition didn't help things," said Snape.

"Well, they can go find out who the father is themselves," Harry responded with a wry grin. "Once they untangle themselves from their tongues," he said. "Ginny isn't talking, either."

Severus deflated. "You don't seem anywhere near as bothered as I would have thought you'd be."

"I think that Ginny and I fell into everyone's wish, well, except yours, that we replace my parents. But she wanted a hero, and I don't consider her every need enough, I imagine. First off, I left her behind and didn't rescue her, you know," he said.

"You should make your own mistakes, Potter, not your father's. That is quite true."

Both men were startled when Luna started applauding. "See, you are already benefiting from your new start!"

Severus smiled wryly, well, almost a smile, if you were generous, and Luna usually was. "I see, Miss Lovegood, that was not my usual response, you are correct."

"Speaking of the Weasleys, where is Molly?" asked Harry. "I thought she was here in St. Mungos with Hermione."

"She was here, Harry, but they took her home. They said they thought maybe telling her that Ginny was pregnant with your baby would help, but I'm guessing not?" Luna said.

"No," Harry said while shaking his head. "I didn't even realize she was there."

"I know everyone keeps saying it was their use of the Unforgivables, but there were Aurors who did the same that did not end up in comas. This seems directed," said Severus. "So many people who fought may have crossed the line into dark magic… I don't like that the Ministry is going after the easiest answer."

A medi-witch stuck her head in the door. "If you all are going to get her out, I'd do it now, before the Aurors get here."

"Excuse me?" asked Harry.

"Word is that since they are the only two who were struck down for their use of dark magic, they must have done some ritual or something to deserve it and will be moved to Azkaban. That is why the Weasleys took their mother home. I would have assumed they would have tol-" she stopped, seeing the look on their faces.

"Let's go," Harry said. "You're right, as usual."

"To where?" asked Severus.

"Grimmauld Place," said Harry.

Luna packed up all of Hermione's personal things while the two men were having a stare down.

"We could go to my house," said Snape.

"I thought your house was destroyed," said Harry.

"We shall go to the Rookery. There is a potions lab, my mother's notebooks, and my father's research," said Luna.


"I don't think-"

"Propriety be damned. I wish for you to bring my friend to my house so I can help find a cure, and I wasn't asking!" said Luna as sternly as anyone had ever heard her speak. "Harry, go to the Black home and enter the library, you will ask for the family Grimoire as the head of house."

Harry nodded, and left to do as he was told.

"Severus, you bring Hermione," said Luna.

"I did not give you leave-"

"I didn't ask. You are coming home with me. We are going to make sure no one destroys anything else of yours, and we are curing Hermione. If we happen to find a way to cure Molly, then good, but that isn't my goal here," said Luna.

"It appears my life is meant to be lived following demanding people," muttered Severus under his breath.

"Yes, but I will give you things you didn't know you needed," said Luna in response.

Severus shook his head, picked up Hermione and followed Luna to the exit Floo the kind medi-witch directed them to.

Severus stepped through the Floo, looking around in amazement. Since Xenophilius was in Azkaban, Luna had taken it upon herself to redecorate.

"This is very, well, you, Miss Lovegood," Severus said.

"Call me Luna, dearest," she said.

"You are taking quite a few liberties," he responded.

"Not really. It has all been planned out for quite a while," she said. "I can give you all the documentation and notes as to why. Now, put Hermione down there, yes, that pallet in the corner, and we can start."

Luna had just settled Severus on the sofa with a pile of notebooks when Harry came through the Floo.

"Well, I just told Kingsley where he could shove his Auror training. I might have also said that I was going to marry Hermione, so no one could touch her until she was cured," Harry said.

Severus blinked. Then blinked again. Then whacked his right hand against his ear. "Well, I'll be even more damned than I thought I was. All of that is in these notebooks of Pandora's."

"Yes, mother was a bit of a seer. Unfortunately my magic would interfere with hers, and since she didn't realize I was in the room when her potion blew up until it was too late, her shield covered me and not her, it was all my fault," Luna said.

"You were a child, and she could have put an age line on her lab. She did not. She was the adult, it was not your fault," said Severus.

Luna's smile could have lit up the great hall at Hogwarts.

"I see the information from the Scamander and Goldstein family here. I did not realize how closely that branch of the Goldsteins were related to the Prince family. I formally agree," Severus said, and signed his name to the parchment that had fallen out of Pandora's notebook. A potion appeared and he drank it. As soon as he did, he collapsed.

"Help me get him comfortable on the sofa, Harry. The transformation will take a while. Not as long as if he hadn't been resurrected and cleansed of the dark magic, but still, a while," Luna said. "I believe that he is going to lose nineteen years."

"But what are we supposed to do about Hermione?"

"You already did the first part, Harry. Here are the notes that Rolf found for us," Luna replied.

"Who is Rolf?"

Luna waved airly at the sofa, where there was a swirl of magic and Severus's features were shifting.

"I will never understand some Magic," Harry said.

Luna was reading notes Severolf had found in the notebook. "Was there anyone that harmed both Molly and Hermione, that they fought, that might have used dark magic on them?"

They heard a croaking voice from the sofa. "Bellatrix. It had to be Bellatrix. She was mutter-"

"Merlin's saggy underpants! He's in the middle of, I don't know what he's in the middle of, and he's still smarter than anyone except maybe Hermione!" Harry exclaimed.

"So, Harry, was it Bellatrix Lestrange that caused this?" Luna asked.

"She tortured Hermione, and Molly was the one that killed her after a duel," Harry said.

They heard a sound from the sofa. Luna rushed over to the now far younger man sitting there.

"Rolf, that was far faster than I thought!" she exclaimed, then threw her arms around him.

"I was quite willing for it to happen, Luna. So, it happened very quickly," the now blond, young Severolf responded. "Although I don't know why it was nineteen years."

"Um, Rolf?" Harry said, tentatively, "I don't know Arithmancy, but I remember the maths from primary. Nineteen is one of the prime numbers, it isn't divisible by anything but itself and one."

"Severolf Scamander, at your service, Mr. Potter. But call me Rolf," the young man said. "Hm, the nineteen makes sense, I was not yet marked at seventeen, if had been seventeen I would still have a mark."

"I won't pass out, I won't pass out, I wo-"

"We have no time for you to pass out. The longer Hermione is like this, the harder it will be to cure her," Rolf said. "Do you know if she has the knife Bellatrix used on her?"

"We can check her bag, I guess. I know she has Bellatrix's wand," Harry said.

Luna opened Hermione's beaded bag, then set it on the floor and set a shield around herself and the two young men. "One of you Accio the items."

Harry nodded and waved his wand while pointing at the bag. "Accio Bellatrix Lestrange's wand and knife!"

Both items bounced off of Luna's shield.

"Perfect," said Severolf. "We need to create a cleansing potion with both of these items as the focal points. Then, it needs to be administered by true love."

"Like Sleeping Beauty? Um, the kiss or the impregnation version?" Harry said.

"There's an impregnation version?" Luna asked.

"Yes, she wakes up giving birth to twins," Harry responded.

"How in Merlin's name did you get anything done when you keep going off on tangents?" Rolf demanded.

"True love's kiss is the most conventional method for these older type of potions," Luna said.

"OK. I don't think Hermione will be happy about being kissed without consent, I can't even imagine if it had to be, well, you know." Harry said.

"Ah, we don't have to create anything, there is a recipe here in your father's research," said Rolf. "This should work, seeing as he was confused as to why it would need both wood and metal as focal points."

"Wait, you still have all your knowledge? You can do whatever you want after this!" said Harry. "Magic is amazing."

A few years later, Harry was not at all surprised when a letter arrived from Luna in the States, telling him and Hermione that she had re-encountered Rolf Scamander during a trip she had taken with her mentor. He had been running a search in South America for something no one had heard about.

"I'm surprised she left Neville for this guy no one can remember being at Hogwarts, even if they claim he's a Hufflepuff; and met in the jungle," Hermione said.

"Hm," replied Harry.

"What do you know, Harry?"

"What would you say if I told you his full name was Severolf?"

author: blueartemis07, type: fic, category: four

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