Let me introduce myself...

Jan 05, 2009 16:15

Sorry, wrong song.

Cross-posted to snape_het and lovedraughts.

I'm Leni Jess. I've been in HPfandom since, oh, the end of 2002? And have had an LJ since late 2003. Mostly, I write fic. SSHG is one of my favoured pairings, but I also (in fact mostly) write slash and a bit of genfic. I write one or two SSHG fics a year; about the only way I've been able to write since mid-2005 is to sign up for fic exchange fests, so I do. This year is my first time in sshg_exchange. Snape is one of my favourite people, and what awkward, book-devouring nerd can avoid developing an affection for Hermione, however exasperating she can be? I do write him with other female canon characters, though.

I've been lazy about archiving my stuff since late 2007, though you'll find all the earlier fic on The Archive at the End of the Universe and Skyehawke, and a few things on Sycophant Hex and Fiction Alley. However, it's all on my LJ (and my IJ); most fics are memoried, but the tag fic by leni_jess should bring up the lot.

Lessee. My journal info page says "I'm female, Australian, adult, single, loner, former long-time resident of the UK, and write in most genres, from Gen through Het to Slash, and all ratings.

"I am over eighteen. Boy, am I ever."

That about covers it.

members' intros

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