Tomorrow I get to go up in a small four seater plane with someone my mom knows from work and my mom. Now, flying, I have no problem with. However, I'm a bit nervous about this one for two reasons: 1) It's a small plane and 2) it's a small plane. All that keeps flashing through my mind at the moment is all these headlines of small airplane crashes as well as various celebrities that've died on small planes. Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson, John Denver, JKF. Jr. and so on. So, if my luck hold out, this post will not be the last time you hear from me.
In the meantime, I'm gonna go on an icon binge. I wanna make me a bunch of MARS ones from some images I came across so I'll be doing that today as well as looking up info on the manga-ka's later series, 'Eternal Sabbath.' Ahhh, possibly more bishies to add to my closet...
I'm going to get some gas later on today as well as prowl for the latest issue of Shojo Beat. I want to subcribe sometime, but I never seem to have the extra moolah. And the subscribers got a really neat calendar with the latest issue that shows when all the series will be released. *pouts*
Well, it's laundry day today. I never knew just how much clothes we go through over the course of a week. Man.
OK, since it's the end of the week and this is a short post, some meme's I've been saving:
soleta_nf You are Idril! Idril was a princess of the hidden
Elvish city of Gondolin, and hailed as a great
beauty. She married Tuor, a Man who took up
residence in Gondolin, but without the
dad-induced glitches Luthien and Beren had to
put up with. Unfortunately, glitches still
arrived in the form of Maeglin, Idril's cousin,
who secretly loved her, and who betrayed
Gondolin to Morgoth in hopes of finally having
her. Idril, however, had never trusted him, so
when Morgoth attacked, she had an escape route
ready, and she, Tuor, and their son Earendil
fled Gondolin and emerged unscathed. Idril and
Tuor later sailed to Valinor, where Tuor was
granted the grace of joining the ranks of the
Elves - a boon that was offered to him alone of
all Men. As Idril, you are popular,
level-headed, and intuitive.
Which of Tolkien's heroines are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Quote of the day: "I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all." -- Laura Ingalls Wilder