(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 19:27

Yet another day of slaving over my papers. *growls halfheartedly* But 2 1/2 more days and my finals are done. Just gotta hang in there a little longer. And 4 1/2 days and I'll be home.

It's not so bad. Tell me it's not so bad.

I mean, today I just need to polish a paper and write another 7-page paper (or a really really good draft that's almost a final draft) and go over binary conversions and binary fractions one more time. Then tomorrow, 8 AM final for 112, and I write my 2-page essay for Web and go over my lesson website and practice my presentation. And Thursday morning I get up early and upload my website onto the Hebler CS server, then final presentation in Web, and then Jo and I prepare for our joint presentation in Tech Writing, which will be really easy since we both know our subject by heart (it's about our research project for SOURCE) and then polish 7-page paper if necessary. And then pack my stuff and clean the room, then check out and stay at Jo's for Friday and Saturday nights (if her roommate's OK with it).

*breathes* Sounds bad, but I can do this. *determined* Just have to keep forcing myself to focus.

Woooo! *feels rather smug* Just managed to squeeze 4 full pages of notes for CS 112 onto two pages. Notes that would be about 10 pages long if I made them normally-sized and formatted them like my normal notes. And probably a good 20 pages if they were single column instead of triple. *grins* Really, they're not hard to decipher either, all I do is bold or italicize key terms (or manually underline them with different colors or put a box around 'em) and group related notes in the same section.

I used the same technique that I used back in Drager's biology class in high school, when he told us we only got a quarter page of notes on each test. It flabbergasted him when I brought in this quarter page of solid, itty-bitty typed text. But he hadn't told us the notes specifically had to be handwritten, and I think he was actually pretty amused by the whole thing (especially since I only looked at my notes maybe twice during a test!), so he didn't stop me... Same with my CS 112 prof, he noticed but doesn't have any problem with it.
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