relationship prep school

Apr 07, 2005 09:49

i am so happy that i dated jason fisher. i feel like it was relationship prep school. this is what i learned:

-whatever you think matters, it probably doesn't. let it all go. getting pissy over the little stuff just adds toxicity to what could be a beautiful thing. think before you get your shit in a twist.

-give your partner as much grace as you can. love your partners' humanity. be flexible, and compassionate.

-choose trust. assume that you are on the same team, until you have evidence of otherwise. even if your trust ends up being ill-placed, at least you haven't wasted months coming from a suspicious viewpoint.

-forgive. forgive. forgive. we all fuck up. do not hold onto anger or grudges-- they are poisonous. if you can't let it go, should you really be there?

-give your partner plenty of space to be their own person, and love them for who they are. do not try to change each other. find beauty in who you are now.

-do not assign meaning to your partners behavior where there is none. take their word for it.