Bush won the election. And I'm mad. But I bet you don't know why. I'm not
mad that Bush won the election. I'm not even mad that he got the majority
of votes. I'm mad because of how the people I know, and the people I don't
know are dealing with this situation. Bush being elected is not the end
of the world. Kerry wasn't going to pull troops out of Iraq, he wasn't
going to support gay marriage, he wasn't going to support fair trade, and
he wasn't going to save our environment. Kerry wasn't the answer. He
never was. But the problem is a whole bunch of us have convinced
ourselves that he was the answer. The only answer. That for whatever
reason, getting him into office and Bush out was our most important
priority, even if Kerry supported issues we vehemently opposed. But that
was our biggest mistake. For some reason we've overlooked ourselves as
being a major part of the solution. Some people did initiate
participation. Some did it by voting. And some people voted and sat
right back down to where they were, hoping that Kerry would get elected
and change everything. Or at least some things. But this was a mistake.
Change can only come from us. From me, from you, from our friends, from
our families. Change can only come when we decide that something needs to
be done and we do it. What are you most upset about with this election?
What is your most pressing issue? Is it the fact that women may lose
their right to choose? Then make sure it doesn't happen. Go donate some
money to Plannedd Parenthood. Support organisations and women who have
excercised their rights. Make sure that these organisations have support,
both financially and in human numbers. If it came down to abortion being
illegalised, support medical practitioners who are willing to break the
law, and be willing to put yourself at risk to defend your rights and the
rights of others.
Every problem has a solution. And it's a solution that we can create. We
cannot accept feeling defeated. If anything, this is our greatest
opportunity to take things into our own hands, because we are all angry
and upset and passionate. We don't like the way things are. So pick an
issue, any issue, and start working on it. We can create a more people
run society. We can work with our communities to make them places we want
to live in. We can create a better world, we just have to start working
towards it. But start working on tangible things, don't just hope that
someone you elect will do the dirty work for you (because i assure you
they won't). Support organisations that share your ideals. This will
give you an opportunity to network and become friends with people like
you. Or start working on something with your friends. You are not alone,
and together we can make the changes we want to see.
here are some articles you might want to check out:
Kerry's Humiliating Defeat by Justin Felux
To American Liberals Upon Bush's Victory by Asad Haider