
Feb 09, 2005 17:32

Well this morning i finished off that car i was working on last night installed the end links and did the alignment.. woo i'm doing alignment.. i was happy about that. Chris had brought in his dads truck and it had a short box tonneu cover on it.. and he sold it to me i was really happy about that.. we did the quickest swap ever.. 30 mins! from his truck to mine.. that includeds pulling in and out the cars.. i was impressed.. what i wasn't impressed with was the weather.. its snowing out :( I HAVE MY SUMMERS ON and no sand in the back i don't need to draw you a picture on how bad driving that thing was going around small bends the truck would slide.. i did a 180 in it not on purpose and the front spoiler went over a median.. which sucked i didn't want to get out and look at it so i waited till i was at work it's all good thank god.. and i missed a crash on my way back too.. cause of some stupid idiot deciding to turn at the last min so the 2 cars in front of me had to slam on there brakes and me included .. and the 2 infront of me hit .. i luckily stopped in time. THen did another alignment they are pretty easy.. make this number match that.. and bam.. well not really but i'm gettin the hang of it

I'm glad i didn't have to stay late i fucked up on the car.. well not really but i didnt' put it in park and the rear things for the alignment machine fell off.. so i felt like shit for the rest of the day until me and keith fucked around and took pics with my phone its now my new back ground..its pretty funny you can tell we don't work :P. well enough about work and cars for that matter onto something else like... umm.. yeah i got nothing thats my life in a nut shell.. and i've seen dan everyday since friday.. we tested out if we couuld live with each other on the weekend .. its doable as long as we get that morning vent of cussing out "fucking do the dish" " would you fucking do somethin all you do is stand around" but i don't see me moving out for a little while. I also need to stop spending money i've just been going mad with spending coin.. which sucks cause thats what happened last time so i need to bunker down on my spending.

well thats all for now until next time
same bat time
same bat channel
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