Journal Entry for the week of October 11th through October 17th

Oct 18, 2004 12:30

Shags - Real and Otherwise

The men in my life have conspired to drive me insane, I'm sure of it.  The Slytherins (Draco, Lucius, and Severus) are actively involved and the lone Gryffindor is an unwitting participant.  I know there isn't really a plot -- I haven't gone completely round the bend -- but their actions, or lack thereof, have combined to make me a jumpy, nervous wreck.

It all actually started the week before when we had Minerva and Severus over for dinner.  Lucius and Narcissa showed up unannounced and ended up in a food fight with the Snapes.  There was fish and chocolate everywhere.  That was actually the highlight of the evening.  Somehow they all ended up in bed together and Draco and I were treated to the sight of his mother, his father, his blood father and his ex-girlfriend all naked and tangled together in our bed.  It was all a little much for Draco and ever since he has been unable to erm...rise to the occassion in bed so to speak. 

It would seem that all work and no shags make me a desperetly horny girl.  Poor Lupin.  He was just being nice.  We were in the Jazz Club alone (Draco had been avoiding me for a week at this point) and he made me a drink.  We sat down on the sofa to relax and I fell dead asleep on him and had the most vivid erotic dream.  Unfortunately the dream didn't star Draco. I don't know about real Remus, but Dream Remus is an amazing lover.  Who knew toes were an erogenous zone?  Not me.  When I woke up I was so embarrassed I ran out of the room.  He must have been so confused.

I was jumpy around Remus for days.  I never looked at him that way before, and for a while there I just couldn't get comfortable around him.  Everytime he talked to me I would just stare at his lips and remember the dream and then go running out of the room like an idiot.  Four days of Lucius working me into the ground finally helped me put the dream into perspective and then what happens?  Lupin gives me a foot rub!  Back to running out the door like an idiot.  I haven't talked to Remus since that night.  I'm quite sure he thinks I've lost my mind.

Fortunately, Draco found his resolve again.  Unfortunately, he also found a puppy.  A Pug puppy, and he named it Squishy.

I. Am. Not. Amused.

The puppy-creature and I got off to a very bad start when I stepped in his poo with bare feet, but Draco more than made it up to me with a series of brilliant shags outside in the garden.  Draco has hinted that his remarkable recovery is due in part to the puppy-creature's relaxing influence.  I'm not sure I believe that, but I'm not question it as long as Draco makes me happy.  Who needs another two weeks of celibacy?

Speaking of desperate for a shag, the french tart, Madmoiselle Fleur Delacour, has been sniffing around Lucius quite a bit lately.  I wonder if she knows what a dangerous game she is playing?  
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