(no subject)

Nov 30, 2011 14:35

We're in the process of trying to find a new place to live, mostly because the place we are currently in is full of, you know, MICE. and also the part where heating it costs an arm and a leg and setting a child on fire in some kind of archaic ritual, mostly because the fire actually brings WARMTH.

Also, in my current neighborhood, crime is a bit of an issue. Last year my roommate Angela was for reals attacked by a CHILD GANG. What the hell even IS THAT. We have a wannabe arsonist running around trying to set people's houses/cars/debris on fire. I am not honestly sure if (s)he is trying to perform a public service by giving people the warmth we all so desperately crave or what, but so far the only successful attempt resulted in a burning car. This happens to be Oregon, so most fires just kind of smoulder wetly. Except forest fires in the summer, of course.

Anyway, found an awesome duplex only apparently the owner lives like two blocks away and pets are anathema to him. Sooooo, my whole lying-my-face-off plan is destined to get complicated and possibly a little evict-y in my future. Alas.

Also, rediscovered Cookleta. Apparently I am going through some kind of reverse-order greatest hits of fandom thing right now and I've made it back there. Anyone have any recs? Anything post 2009 I almost certainly have not read, but anything prior I almost certainly have.

life or something like it, david archuleta rules us all

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