An Unexpected Chapter - Enjoy!

Jan 09, 2007 09:13

Title: Revelations
Writer: Lissie 
Word Count: 4, 033
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wish I could own the boys but alas, I don’t L
Pairing: Jensen/Jared.
Minor Characters: Jeff, Chris, & Tom
Summary: An Unexpected Chapter To My Christmas Fic. If you’d like to read it, it’s on the post below. Thanks for coming and enjoy.

That one night changed their lives forever.

Their hearts and minds were one.

Now, everything in their lives was coming to change.

They had to tell their families about them. Jensen & Jared were happy now but they knew if they wanted their families to be a part of their lives they needed to tell them the truth.

Jensen wanted to head down to Texas to meet with his family. He thought it would be best to do this alone. Jared wanted to be there with him to show Jensen's family they have genuine feelings for one another and to be there for Jen. Jared wants to support him in every way possible and he will. So he’s headed with him to Texas.

And maybe on the way Jared might tell his family not to look forward to him bringing home a girl and saying he’s getting married. Well, maybe the married part, but definitely not to a girl, but to a man that has been by his side through it all; doubt, pain, and love. A man that has shown him all the beauty love can bring. A man to share all the laughter, pain, and everything in between. Jared could never see it any other way. No matter what his family might say he’s going to stay with Jensen, even if they disown him or shun him for loving a man.

On the way home to Texas each thought about the things that might happen when they finally tell their families. They know their families well enough to know they will have reservations and give them both a tongue lashing but if they love them as much as they think, then everything should be ok.

Dreams Sequence

“How could you do this, don’t you know what will happen to you?” Tears streamed down her eyes as she looked at her son. In her eyes she still saw Jen as her little baby boy and could not believe he was getting married to a man. This should have been a joyous occasion. Instead it’s one of the worst moments that she could have imagined. She looked at Jen as he tried to explain to her all the reasons he had and that he loved him and her eyes moved over to Jared as he held her son's hand. Not a friendly touch but a loving touch. A touch that showed her just how much he did love her son. Despite that touch all she could think is that her son is gay and that she might not ever forgive him for what he’s done to this family.

“I want you out of my house right now” Tears falling more rapidly even as her heart told her not to dismiss her son so callously but to be accepting of his choice, of his sexuality and of his lover.

“Mom, please don’t do this.” Jen’s eyes hurt after all the tears he shed. His hand remained locked with Jared’s as he tried to reach out to her but he could see there was no way she would allow that to happen. Jen thought that if he told her first that she might ease his dad into this. His siblings already knew and we’re shocked but they loved and accepted him. But now, seeing his mom so distraught, maybe he should have come sooner and talked to her when they first became more than friends.

“Leave. NOW” She tried to remain in control of her emotions as she told her son to leave her forever. To Jensen the house was cold no more loving warmth that he felt when he first walked in with Jared and told him about all the times that he had played a trick on his momma and made her laugh. Every part of the house held such loving memories.

Standing here now, you would never think that all that love would turn on him. That all he could see in his mother’s eyes was pain and something that he couldn’t describe.

After all this time, he felt like a stranger in his own home. He never thought that would happen.

Dreams Sequence Ends

Jen woke up with tears in his eyes. It all felt so real, too real. But here he was, next to Jared as he rubbed his hand in circles with his thumb and kissed his cheek softly to try to ease his mind. Sadly, they both knew there was a real possibility this could happen. And it scared them both.

As they finally reached their destination, all they could think about was if they we were strong enough to do this.

Jen holds Jared’s hand as he looks over to him knowing that he’s having the same doubts that he’s having right now. They just take a deep breath and put their heads together.

Jared starts to feel better and begins to laugh. Jen just looks at him as his smile develops and grows. “What’s so funny?” Jared looks at Jen and kisses him. “Just thinking about Sadie & Harley. Wondering how they’re doing without me.” Jensen smiles at him and holds him closer. “They’ll be ok, they’re in good hands” Jensen laughed as he thought of Jeff taking care of them. Bisou, Sadie, & Harley were like best friend. Ever since they first caught eye of one another. Jeff was more than understanding of their situation and by the looks of it, he couldn’t deny Bisou a thing. And she wanted them to stay.

Their flight arrived later than expected and no one else knows that they are in Texas. They take this time to just be together. They rent a car and reserve a room in a hotel. They’re ready for tomorrow. It would have been better if they didn’t have jetlag and weren’t tired as hell and as they fall asleep they ended up entwined in one another.

Dream Sequence

There’s a spoon clinking to a wine glass. Everyone goes silent as all eyes go towards Tom. He’s ready to give that big speech he’d been talking about for ages now it seemed. Jared’s fingers are entwined with Jens as they look on.

“Well, what can I say about these two people that I’ve grown very close to over the last few years. When I first met Jen, all I could think was, what is this pretty boy doing on my show?” The guests start to laugh and Jen’s cheeks start to burn but he let’s himself laugh along with everybody else. “Seriously, he’s a great actor and friend and I’m glad that he got the chance to show those qualities in his very own show. This new job came with a friend. A friend that I bet he didn’t see coming. Someone that changed his life.” The room goes silent as Jared’s heartbeat accelerates. “Jared, that tall guy right there, came blowing into his world and made all the walls come crashing down” Jared bites his lip as he thinks back to that moment. “Every time I look at one of them, I can see the other one in their eyes. It’s like their souls are connected, even when they are apart."

Jared’s eyes begin to water as he hears one of his best friends tell their story. Jensen’s hand tightened as he tried to stop his own tears from falling. Jen looks over at him and all the voices start to fade away as Jared puts his hand on his cheek and cups his face with the other. Jared leans in to kiss Jensen…

Dream Sequence Ends

When Jared wakes up next to Jen the next morning, he has the biggest smile on his face. He feels Jensen stir next to him and he looks down. Jen doesn’t even have to ask Jared why he’s so happy, he just revels in it and he puts his arm around Jared’s waist and pulls his body closer.

They just stay like that for about an hour, sinking into one another. Jensen’s hand over Jared’s heart as he feels it beat in rhythm with his own. Everything is still for them. It’s like the world doesn’t exist beyond the bed. Until the silence shatters as the phone rings.

Jared looks down at his cell and sees Tom’s name flashing from the caller id. “Hey Jare, How are you guys? Did you get there ok?” Jared turns to Jen and smiles. “We’re ok. Just woke up so we have to go get ready soon.” Tom waits for his turn “Jare, I know this is going to be hard for you, but with Jen there you will have the support to tell them. They’ll understand in the end. They can’t stay mad forever, right?” Jared sighs as he clings to that hope. “Thanks, Tom. I’ll talk to you later” Jared flips the phone closed and holds on to Jen. “We'll get ready soon. Just a few more minutes.” Jensen wishes it were that simple.


They’re on their way to Jensen’s house. Jared’s driving so Jen has plenty of time to think about what he’s going to say to his parents. “I love him and I’m going to marry him. Please understand that I love you both but I will not give him up. I hope you can accept me and us.” Jen sighs and turn to Jared as he’s stopped to get some gas and supplies for the long drive. He sees him come out of the convenience store with a big bag. No doubt full of candy but he loves him for that. Everything about him makes him love him more. Jensen never thought love could be like this.

He thinks about the times he used to watch Chris play and hear those familiar cords to One More Shot. It seemed like you were either Crazy in Love or falling apart. Jen used to think that it was always that way, you would hurt from losing someone and try to pick up the pieces of your heart from the floor or move on and build up those walls so high that no one would ever get through. Jensen used to be fine with that. Just a one night stand that he’d never have to invest any time in. Just hook up and have it mean nothing. All that changed the day that Jared came crashing into his life. The moment he set eyes on him he knew that he could fall in love with him. And the first time they touched, Jen could have sworn that his whole body instantly craved to be next to his. From then on they were inseparable.

He wishes he could tell his parents that Jared made him love again. That he made his heart beat to the beat of his and that he would never change that for anything in the world.


3 hours later…

Jared stops the car in front of Jensen’s home. He walks over to Jensen’s side to open the door. As he opens the door he looks down at him and grabs his hand. Jen climbs out of the car and closes the door and wraps his arms around Jared. They slowly kiss then break away. “Are you ready?” Jen sighs and nods his head. It feels like the longest time while they’re standing there outside his house. His thoughts are starting to go from good to bad. Jared squeezes his hand and pulls him a little to get his feet working. From the outside you can see that the lights are dimmed and they’re usually like that when the family is out. Jensen breaths for the first time in a while.

Jen still remembers where they keep the spare key, so he finds the spot and opens the door to his home. As soon as he steps in the door he can feel the warmth inside. That feeling is something he had missed until Jared. Now standing here in his childhood home with Jared he feels at ease. He looks over at Jared and sees him looking around the living room. His eyes are fixed on the fireplace mantle where he sees pictures of Jen and his siblings at all different ages and he smiles as Jen grumbles next to him as if he’s embarrassed of all those moments. “You were cute even as a baby” Jared’s fingers are all over his memories now. They make their way around the house. Looking at every room and every memory that comes to Jen’s mind is shared with Jared. Jared loving listening to Jen reminisce about his childhood. The way his voice changes makes something inside him want to reach out and go back in time to watch everyone of those moments through his eyes.

The house is so quite as they make their way to Jen’s room. As Jen opens the door it creaks a little and he can’t help but remember every time he’d open the door to go to this room before. It seemed like he hadn’t been here in a lifetime. All his memories flooding back. The best part was having Jared to share every little thing that came to mind and Jared cherished hearing everything Jen was sharing with him.

Jared went around the room and looked at the pictures on his wall. It seemed Jen’s momma had kept his room in pristine condition and updated his walls with his most recent work. He smiles as he saw a poster in the back of the door from Supernatural. She truly did love her son.

Jen sat on the bed as Jared looked around a bit more and then joined him. They smiled and Jen kissed Jared on the cheek. When he pulled away, Jared pulled him back and kissed him on the mouth. Softly like they had all the time in the world. Jared cupped his face and Jen’s hand came to rest on his neck. It started to get more heated but then Jen heard something downstairs. His breath hitched as he tried to ready himself for this.

Jared looked at him “Just breathe. It’s going to be ok” Jen smiled hesitantly as he did his best to breathe. They headed downstairs and discovered the noises were coming from the kitchen. As they approached the kitchen Jensen realized he was ready now. He had to stand up for what he wanted and one way or another; this had to come out and today was the day. No backing down. Everything is on the line.

Jensen steps inside the kitchen and sees his mom just as she turn towards him. She gasps at the surprise of seeing her son for the first time in a long time. She smiles and hugs him. “Why didn’t tell me you were coming? I wound have told your brother and sister to be here when you arrived.” Jensen smiled. His mom was always worried about him. Jared smiles as he saw the love displayed in front of him. He elbowed Jen “Aren't you going to introduce me?” Jen scratched the back of his head and proceeded to introduce Jared to his momma. “Jared, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Donna.” Her smile was warm and welcoming just like her home.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming but I wanted to speak to you alone” Jensen’s smile was forced. Donna just looked at him a bit perplexed. “Jensen, you know you can tell me anything” she smiled sweetly as she pointed to the table and they sat down. She noticed that Jared sat too but thought nothing of it.

“There’s something important I have to tell you” Jensen’s eyes went serious. Donna took note and listened to every word. “I’m sorry if this is going to upset you but you have to know the truth.” He paused to give her a minute to adjust. “I’m getting married” Jen smiled as he said it. “That’s great Jensen. I’m so happy for you” She hugged him and pulled away with a smile. “There’s more.” He sighs. “I’m marrying a man. Mom, I’m gay. I’m sorry if this disappoints you in any way but I need you to know that” Everything went quite.

It felt like an eternity until she spoke “I…Jensen…If you’re happy….I…Love you and nothing will change that.” Jensen let himself breathe again as he saw his mother telling him that she accepted him for who he was. That dream had scared him but he should have known that his mother would understand. “I love you mom. And now I’d like you to meet my fiancée. Jared. Donna. Donna. Jared” They started to laugh as Jensen’s eyes started to water. Donna looked over at him and wiped them away. “I was so scared mom.” She looked at him and hugged him tight.

“I’m glad that you were honest with me about this.” Jensen smiled as Jared held his hand. “What about dad?” Jensen feared what he would say. He loved his father. He was his role model and wanted nothing but to make him proud. “Don’t worry about your dad, I’ll talk to him” Donna smiled and looked at them both together. Her smile grew as she saw that her son was happy and in love. That’s all she could have asked for. For his happiness.

As Jared looked on at the sight before him, he felt ready to tell his own truth to his mom. He flipped the phone and dialed…

Jared flipped his phone closed. He’d just called his mom. He wanted to let her know that he was dropping by tomorrow. He sighed as he stepped back in the kitchen as Jensen regaled his mother on the details of how they met and the proposal. As he got closer he could hear Jensen tell her about their engagement party. It was only a few weeks away, and he made it a point to invite her and the entire family. “You’re quite the romantic Jared” Donna laughed as he sat back down. “Nah, I just love him that much.” She smiled as they shared a knowing look.

“Momma, we have to go. We have to be in San Antonio tomorrow. It’s Jared’s turn.” They all got up and headed towards the front door. Donna hugged her son goodbye as Jared stood beside them. When she pulled away, she took Jared’s hands “Just tell them how you feel, it will all work out” She kissed him on the cheek. Jared smiled “Thank you” They headed out the door as Donna watched from the doorway. She sighed as she saw them leave.


It was late by the time they left Jensen’s house. The car ride was calm as Jensen slept peacefully beside him. All the weight had been lifted and his mind was at ease. Jared knew his turn was rapidly approaching. He could see his home in his mind. He could remember everything about his room. It was all fresh in his memory. Being inside Jen’s home had brought back Jared's memories of his own childhood. He couldn’t wait to see his brother and sister. He missed them a lot as the show kept him away from home. He would call home every so often but that could never compare to being there in person and touching and feeling the warmth and happiness that a family brings.

Thinking had made the time fly by. The next time he looked up he saw his neighborhood. They arrived in the afternoon. It was still light out so it made it easy to see his front door. The porch that he’d fallen off a couple times. The rocking chair that he used to fall asleep when it was too hot inside the house when he was little. He smiled as he thought of all that. He looked at Jensen still sleeping. He decided that he could do this alone as he quietly made his way out of the car.

He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. The door swung open revealing his sister, Megan. “Jared, what are you doing here?” She smiled and hugged her brother. “I’m here to talk to mom. What are you doing home? Is Jeff here?” She giggled as she closed the door. “Just came to get some stuff from my room. Jeff’s still camping. Should be back next week” He nodded as he took in the sight of his home. It felt like everything had changed. Jared took a deep breath as he surveyed everything and smiled as he saw a picture of all of them. A silly little picture that him mom had made him be part of before he left last time.

“Where’s mom?” Megan smiled. “She’s upstairs. Tell her I had to go. Love ya Jare” She hugged him again as she made her way out the door. Jared headed up the stairs to his mom’s room. He stood at the doorway and looked at her fixing the bed. Jared remembered that as a kid he would run in and jump on the bed as she would try to fix it and she would tickle him silly. He laughed and she looked up and smiled. “Jared” He made his way to her side and hugged her tight. “Hi mom” They looked at each other and sat on the bed “So, What did you have to tell me, Jared?” She smiled as he hunched over and he laughed as she fixed his posture. He took a deep breath. “Mom, this is something very important to me so I need you to listen and be open to what I’m going to tell you” She nodded as he continued “I’m…getting married” She gave him a disbelieving look and hugged him. “I’m getting married….to a man. I’m gay, Mom” She looked Jared dead in the eyes and looked confused. She waited for him to finish. “I’ve always wanted to make you proud mom. But this is something that I can’t change. I won’t change. I need you to understand and accept me for who I am. I’m still your son.” She looked at him and tried to say something but she was still in shock over his confession.

They sat there for a few minutes as she tried to gather her thoughts. She ran her fingers down his back “Jared, I’m a bit taken a back by this but you are my son and this will take me some time to process. I hope you understand that” He turned to her and nodded. She hugged him as he made his way out the room. “You’re my son and I love you. That will never change” Jared smiled as he walked out the room and make his way through his home.

As Jared closed the door, he saw Jensen from the corner of his eye. “How long have you been up?” Jensen tilted his head as if waiting for an apology. “Just woke up. How’d it go?” Jared made his way down the porch steps and headed towards Jen. He stopped in front of him. “It went ok. She’s going to need some time to process but she said that she loved me” Jensen smiled and kissed him. Jared hugged him and opened the door for Jensen. “Such a gentleman” Jared laughed and pushed him in. “Anything for my fiancée” Jared said as he got in the drivers seat and looked over to Jensen. Jen pulled him by the collar and kissed him deeply. The way he’d been wanting to do for days now. Jared pulled away. “Now, we just wait.” Jensen sighed knowing that only time would tell if everything with their families would be alright. Jared turned the ignition and made his way back to Dallas. Back to his life in Canada and his new home, the home he shared with Jensen.


After all those hours away from home, Jared couldn’t think of a better way to be greeted than to walk into their home and crawl into their bed and just sleep forever, instead what they came home to was a very unpleasant surprise.



And Last But Not Least, I'd Like To Share With You, Two Of The Songs Mentions In This Fic.

The Band's Name Is Kane and I Hope You Will Like The Music As Much As I Do. :D

Crazy In Love -

One More Shot -

music, fic

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