Christmas Surprise *You MUST Read*

Dec 23, 2006 22:07

Title: Christmas Surprise

Pairing: Jensen/Jared *Padackles*

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. Only own the amazing brain filled with SEX and LOVE:D

Warnings: NONE. Total FLUFF *giggles* Great surprises AHEAD

Notes: This story was written for my BFF trustygeek  I hope you like it my LOVE *kisses* 
and was Betead by the WONDERFULL supernatrlfreakThe girl that i will be going to ASYLUM with. I just love you JENNY. My sexy thing you *kisses*

A few weeks ago Jared had been searching and searching for the perfect present for Jen. He knew that it had to be really special because he knew that Jen had something under his sleeve. He always does. Finally he found it.  The perfect gift.


It was Christmas in Canada. The weather was brutal but Jensen had Jared to keep him warm. All that body heat turned out to be the best thing for him and, of course, the constant love making. Lying in bed Jensen’s mind started to go back to last night...

Jensen had been planning this night for almost four weeks and the fact that Jared was out of their apartment doing his Christmas shopping gave him all the time to set up his surprise before Jared came home.

He can still taste the food, smell the aroma of the little café where they had their very first date. Along with the ambiance, he could feel the weight of Jared’s eyes as they were finally in public together. Just being an us - not pretending to be friends, which they were, but this was so much more than either of them could have imagined.

That night in the little cafe had marked the beginning of an us, yes, but it had also started the two of them down a path that made Jensen’s walls come crashing down and tell Jared everything. Every fear, secret, desire. He had never had that with anyone and then out of nowhere there was Jared. So open and loving and willing to do anything for him.

Jensen wanted to show him that he still remembered about that day a year ago when everything changed for them. The moment when he realized he had fallen in love with Jared; so deeply that all he could see was him.


Jared came home from another day of Christmas shopping. The stores were crowed as usual but he had ordered most of his presents online and all he had to do was pick them up at the store.

He still sees all the people running around like chickens with their heads cut off as they did their last minute shopping. Jared had been holding back laughter all day and as he made his way home all he did was laugh and reminisce.

As he walks in the front door it took him all of a few seconds to smell a familiar aroma coming from the kitchen. He doesn' t bother turning on the lights as he sees candles on the living room table and as his sight drops to the floor he sees the rose petals leading to the kitchen. Jared’s smile grows wider as he anticipates Jen’s surprise. He sets the bags aside and slowly walks to the kitchen, making sure to take the sights and sounds so that they would forever be tattooed in his memory.

Jared’s eyes widen as he lays eyes on Jensen. Jared’s heart skips a beat as he tears his eyes away from his lover to the sight around him. He feels the tears well up inside as he remembers exactly why that smell was so familiar, Jensen’s surprise was a replica of that little café that had changed their relationship. From friendship to love.

Jared’s heart speed up as he saw that every single thing was exactly the same from the food and wine to the candles on the table.

“Jared?” Jensen broke the silence and Jared’s thoughts dissipate as he stares into those hazel eyes. Jensen smile has him moving towards him. Not even realizing that he was moving until his lips were on Jensen’s. The kiss was a culmination of everything that he was feeling at this moment. His heart beats faster as his hands find Jen’s hips to pull him closer as Jensen’s hands find their way to Jared’s neck.

“When? How?” Jared pulls away as he stutters to make sense of Jensen’s surprise. Jensen smiled and held him closer. “What did you think all those calls and all that time on the internet was for?” Jared’s fingers pull on Jen’s shirt as his eyes locked on everything all at once. Jared could not believe he had done this for him. It just proved to him how much he did love him and that Jen was definitely going to like his surprise.


After the initial shock wears off, Jared’s senses come to life. His smile grew wider as his body seemed to be humming with happiness. Jensen just stood beside him taking in all the shock and love that he felt from Jared(awkward). Jen had expected him to be surprised but he never would have imagined that looking at him that way would make his stomach flip flop the way it did. Jared turns and meets Jensen’s eyes.

“Jen?” Jared said as he walks towards where the soft music that slowly filled the room was located. He skipped to the next track and felt his heart beat faster. Jared knew that he was going to do this. He was ready but he was just so nervous about what Jensen would say. What would he do? He silently sighed and he felt Jen’s arms wrap around him.

“What’s wrong, Jared?” Jared turned to Jen and lifted his eyes to meet his. His breathing grew faster as his heartbeat grew louder in his ears.

“I have a surprise for you too. I’m not sure how you’ll take it” Jen’s tilted his head and just stared at Jared as he stumbled on simple words. He smiled as Jared’s cheeks got redder and redder by the minute.

Jared couldn’t take it anymore. If he was going to do this it was going to be now. Taking a deep breath he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room and waits for Jensen to follow him. He wasn’t sure if he would at first then he hears the footsteps approaching him.

Jen was confused and getting a little concerned by the look on his face. “Jared, you can tell me anything. You know that” He cupped Jared’s face and smiled shyly.

“Jen, I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we meet and this day marks the day that we finally let go of all the pretences and started down this path together.” He looks right at Jensen’s eyes and sees the love reflected in his lover’s eyes. “Every day I wake up and know that I’m loved. Not just by anybody but by a man that is everything to me. A friend, a confidant, a lover.” Jared’s eyes start to water. He sees Jen bite his lip to stop from crying with him. Those words were full of love and everything that he felt and it was being mirrored back as if he read his soul word for word.

“This heartbeat is the only sound I need, these eyes are all I need to see, and these lips are all I need to survive. You’ve given me everything and I want to do the same…” Jared’s voice stops. The world stops when he kneels down on one knee and takes out the silver band.

Jensen’s eyes widen and he lets the tears flow from his eyes. He looks down at Jared and all he can do is try not to fall or pass out before Jared says those words to him.

“Jen, I know that you don’t express your emotions easily but you’ve showed me all of you.” Jared starts to ramble and looks at Jen’s eyes and the words just come out. “Will you marry me?”

Jen tried not to fall for Jared but he had. He had fallen hard. So hard that it took his breath away. At this moment, looking into Jared’s eyes and looking at him on his knee asking him to be with him forever. It was too much. His knees gave way and he knelt in front of Jared and just looked deep into those eyes.

“Yes.” Jen grabs his face and kisses him hard. Love seeping from every pore. Jared’s fingers ghosted on his back and settled on his neck. Jared slowly rubbed his skin as he slowly kissed him.

Jared breaks the kiss and wipes Jen’s tears away and smiles as he hears those words over in over in his head. “How was I so lucky to find my soul mate?” Jen’s eyes shine and he caresses Jared’s cheek and smiles. “Eric Kripke, That magnificent bastard” They both laugh and hold each other closer and they revel in this moment.


Jensen couldn’t stop smiling thinking about all that had happened last night. It seemed so long ago but was in fact just yesterday when his life became complete. Jen didn’t realize that he was being watched until he felt a hand entwine with his own. Jared’s smile was sleepy but as sweet as everything that had happened. They both looked at their hands clasped together and those rings on their fingers that showed the world that their souls belonged to one another. They were in love.

Jared turned to Jen and kissed him and sighed.

This was the beginning of something that used to be only a dream. Now that dream had turned reality and they were on their way to a very happily ever after.

Comments = LOVE

So PLEASE give me the LOVE


padackles, supernatrlfreak, trustygeek, fic

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