The Great X-Files Watch 2004 - Part 12

Oct 24, 2004 15:04

Agula Mala
There's a hurricane. The water is evil. Blah blah blah.

Although the plot device here-reliving the same day over and over-has been done (Groundhog Day, for example, great movie), I really like this episode. The waterbed! Mulder fatally shot and Scully standing over him!
Mulder: "I just got the weirdest sensation of de�ja� vu. I've been having it all morning."
Scully: "Well, that's fairly common."
Mulder: "Yeah, but never to this degree. I mean, I woke up, I opened my eyes, I was soaking wet... It's a long story, but I had the distinct sensation that I had lived that moment before."
Scully: "Well, you may have. Did you do a lot of drinking in college?"

Chris Carter is cruel to his fans. Besides the funny Mulder/Scully marriage stuff, this episode is actually kind of weak. But the way they act with each other in this episode is so funny. "You ready?" "Let's get it on, honey." "Wow. Admit it, you just want to play house. Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwich! Did I not make myself clear?" So the monster thing was really lame, though. It was just an excuse to get Mulder and Scully to act like a married couple, and I'm okay with that!

WAY weak. The only thing of note was the woman who was infatuated with Mulder. And I hate dogs.

Again, not the best. The concept wasn't all that bad, but they could have done more.

I LOVE this episode. LOVE IT. On the one hand, it's just a cool and beautifully written episode. The idea of a writer working on a book and bringing the characters to life is interesting and they did it very well. Of course, it is also a GREAT Scully episode. I loved them exploring her feminine side and someone being interested in her. It's like Never Again but better. Of course, ultimately, it comes back to Mulder and Scully. "Agent Scully is already in love." YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Yes, she is.

The Unnatural
This episode actually completely blows except for when Mulder and Scully play baseball at the end. It is sooo cute. "I'm in the middle." "All right, what you may find is you concentrate on hitting that little ball... The rest of the world just fades away - all your everyday, nagging concerns. The ticking of your biological clock. How you probably couldn't afford that nice, new suede coat on a G-Woman's salary. How you threw away a promising career in medicine... To hunt aliens with a crackpot, albeit brilliant, partner. Getting into the heart of a global conspiracy. Your obscenely overdue triple-X bill. Oh, I... I'm sorry, Scully. Those last two problems are mine, not yours."

Three of a Kind
I LOVE how the Lone Gunmen get Scully to come to their aid in this episode. And I love how funny she is when she's under the influence and how she gets Morris Fletcher back by slapping HIM on the ass. This is a great episode.

Field Trip
This episode is actually really good. First of all, it starts off with the premise that Mulder is always right, and he's actually wrong in this episode, which is neat. It's also based on an organic monster, basically, but there's some interesting psychological things that go on when Mulder and Scully are in its trap. Mulder dying, the aliens... They really played with the audience on this one, and kudos to them for that. They did give us several clues along the way that things weren't all right, which makes it that much better. Excellent premise, excellent writing.

I'll talk more about this three part episode when I get to the seventh season, but the whole thing is really very good. Scully being the believer, Mulder going crazy, Diana Fowley pissing the hell out of me. I hate that woman. Anyway, nice last image with Scully standing on a UFO in Africa to close out the season.
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