Nov 22, 2011 09:57
I took some vacation time today as I was supposed to have my yearly gynecological exam, but for one very particular reason I had to postpone it until next month. That is quite fine with me, though I am certain that my present state of repose shall devolve into a restlessness that will force me out of the apartment before I am even obligated to go anywhere. I was just in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee and looked at the red digits of the oven clock...9:12, invisibly marching to 9:13...and I suddenly felt thrown into a hushed panic. There is never any time, I tell myself. It's going to be mid-morning soon, and then before you know it, the curtains of evening will be drawn, and you will prove once more that you are an utter waste. Of course I know that I am just allowing my thoughts to burgeon and bust, my awkward remains stilted and sour. Indeed a hot shower will soon ensue.
I hate it when an unexpectedly annoying song assaults my ears. Sometimes I wonder what the fuck the composer was thinking, creating something so obnoxious. It makes me irrationally angry.
I feel like I am coming down with what Sean had last week. Since he and I have both been sick, we've been snuggling a lot and taking care of each other. Pair that with tea, oranges, and Law & Order SVU marathons, and we're on our way to health again.
I have an exam in Child Psychology tonight, for which I have barely studied. Oddly enough, I still feel assured that I'm going to do fairly well if only because I took plenty of notes and participated during lecture. I always enjoy going to that class; my professor and classmates delight me (well, all except Baxter, who still shamelessly flirts with me - I don't know what else I can say to make it clear to him that I am not interested).
Onward to other things now, I suppose. Perhaps some coffee and eggs?