turn of the tide

Sep 23, 2008 19:53

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inksplotched September 23 2008, 23:49:25 UTC
name / nickname: sara ♥
location: (usually) california, usa; (currently) sao paulo, brazil
age: eighteen
main fandoms: harry potter, narnia (+rpf), doctor who, gossip girl, the office us (and if mocking twilight is a fandom, then... that too)
favourite pairings: (hp) remus/sirius, james/lily, regulus/narcissa, charlie/tonks, andromeda/ted (n//movieverse) caspian/susan, peter/edmund (n//bookverse) shasta/aravis (n//rpf) will/skandar, ben/anna (dw) doctor/rose (gg) chuck/blair, nate/vanessa (o) jim/pam, dwight/angela
other interests: history of all kinds, writing (fanfiction and original), fangirling kate nash and lovedrug, learning portuguese, being staunchly liberal-slash-democrat, making icons, flailing about a million other books that aren't quite fandoms but i still love to death
what's in my journal: currently, sporadic updates regarding my experiences in brazil and my opinions on american politics and news; usually, a mixture of fandomish squee, commentary on the world, memes, and blabbering about my real life
random piece of ( ... )


jinchuurikis September 24 2008, 02:49:34 UTC
My comment is belowish if you want to look it over, but I realized that we have a lot in common looking over yours :x


inksplotched September 24 2008, 02:57:54 UTC
saw it, was thinking about commenting but also was all over the place multi-tasking. x)

and i agree. let's give the friending a shot?


jinchuurikis September 24 2008, 03:01:37 UTC
I know how that is XD It's basically how I live my life :(

Definitely! I'll go add you now.


pilotspeed September 24 2008, 03:08:25 UTC
mine's a little farther down the page, if you want to check it out.. being an exchange student sounds interesting, it's something I'd been interested in (too bad I'm not in school anymore, haha) plus making icons, history, books...


inksplotched September 24 2008, 03:13:17 UTC
sorry, did you say something? i was too busy staring at gaspard ulliel.


being on exchange is fantastic, haha. mmmmm i'll give friending a shot. it seems like we don't have much in common and what we do have is pretty vague, but hey, we've got mutual friends and if things don't click, you know? :)

nice to meet you and such? i don't mean to come off rude, just realistic and ... not... flaily at the moment haha. ♥


pilotspeed September 24 2008, 03:20:00 UTC
mmmm, gaspard. that picture of him smoking is just GUH, I needed two icons of it.

that's great! I'm hoping to travel the world and all that someday, so it seems pretty interesting. Yeah, with fandoms I can go on for awhile, but we've got everything except Doctor Who in common (I don't participate in Narnia fandom, but I've seen the movies/read the books and everything). all the mutual friends we have are pretty fantastic!

Nice to meet you as well. Yeah, it isn't coming off like that. I'd rather someone be realistic about it than try and act all excited when they aren't... plus, nobody feels flaily all the time.


biggrstaffbunch September 24 2008, 03:55:40 UTC
gurrrrrl. are we friends yet? i know i added you awhile back, are you ok/not ok with that bsns? <3 either way!


inksplotched September 24 2008, 04:01:13 UTC
shit i forgot to add back?! wtf :| going now!


sweetenedlust0x October 7 2008, 04:02:45 UTC
dresden dolls ftw! ♥
we seem to have a couple of things in common: james/lily, andromeda/ted (although i didn't list that one), chuck/blair. also, the whole exchange thing sounds amazing, i'm thinking about trying it out.
wanna try friending? ;)


sweetenedlust0x October 20 2008, 22:51:08 UTC
by the way, in between posting this comment and now i've moved journals. heh. find me here. :D


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