turn of the tide

Sep 23, 2008 19:53

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Comments 283

inksplotched September 23 2008, 23:49:25 UTC
name / nickname: sara ♥
location: (usually) california, usa; (currently) sao paulo, brazil
age: eighteen
main fandoms: harry potter, narnia (+rpf), doctor who, gossip girl, the office us (and if mocking twilight is a fandom, then... that too)
favourite pairings: (hp) remus/sirius, james/lily, regulus/narcissa, charlie/tonks, andromeda/ted (n//movieverse) caspian/susan, peter/edmund (n//bookverse) shasta/aravis (n//rpf) will/skandar, ben/anna (dw) doctor/rose (gg) chuck/blair, nate/vanessa (o) jim/pam, dwight/angela
other interests: history of all kinds, writing (fanfiction and original), fangirling kate nash and lovedrug, learning portuguese, being staunchly liberal-slash-democrat, making icons, flailing about a million other books that aren't quite fandoms but i still love to death
what's in my journal: currently, sporadic updates regarding my experiences in brazil and my opinions on american politics and news; usually, a mixture of fandomish squee, commentary on the world, memes, and blabbering about my real life
random piece of ( ... )


jinchuurikis September 24 2008, 02:49:34 UTC
My comment is belowish if you want to look it over, but I realized that we have a lot in common looking over yours :x


inksplotched September 24 2008, 02:57:54 UTC
saw it, was thinking about commenting but also was all over the place multi-tasking. x)

and i agree. let's give the friending a shot?


jinchuurikis September 24 2008, 03:01:37 UTC
I know how that is XD It's basically how I live my life :(

Definitely! I'll go add you now.


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amazingandrea06 September 24 2008, 03:53:10 UTC
rent is amazing. :)


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amazingandrea06 September 24 2008, 04:03:25 UTC
its a greatttt story. i love it. i wishhh i could see the final performance. i hope that i might get to see it on the big screen.


biggrstaffbunch September 24 2008, 00:22:49 UTC
name / nickname: ruchi
location: NJ, USA
age: 21
main fandoms: harry potter, doctor who, the office us, all whedon fare except for dollhouse (buffy, angel, firefly), narnia (books and movies), house
favourite pairings: hp: harry/ginny, ron/hermione, remus/tonks, remus/sirius, charlie/tonks, neville/ginny, neville, luna; buffy: buffy/angel, buffy/spike, buffy/angel/spike, danw/xander, willow/xander, giles/jenny, firefly: mal/inara, kaylee/simon, simon/inara; the office: pam/jim, dwight/angela, andy/kelly, kelly/ryan; house: cuddy/house, wilson/cuddy, wilson/house, cam/chase; narnia: um. plead the fifth.
other interests: NOTHING. um. i dunno, fanfiction, lulz, the UN, songmixes, picspam, etc.
what's in my journal: fandom with some sprinklin' of real life. fanfic and picspam mostly.
random piece of trivia: i am indian and own a 7-11. TRUFAX.
anything else: i love making new friends!


katebert September 24 2008, 02:57:35 UTC
heyyy so at first i was all "omg similar interests we should be friends" and THEN i read your random fiece of trivia and no longer want to be your friend, but NEED to be XD haha add?


biggrstaffbunch September 24 2008, 03:45:50 UTC


katebert September 24 2008, 03:50:45 UTC


smellyleaf September 24 2008, 00:34:50 UTC
name / nickname: Donna
location: The dirty south (of the united states)
age: 20
main fandoms: Olympic Swimmers, Narnia, Narnia RPF, Harry Potter, Holly Black books (Tithe/Valiant/Ironside)
favourite pairings: Olympic Swimslash: Phelps/Lochte, Narnia: Peter/Edmund, Narnia RPF: Will/Skandar, Harry Potter: Draco/Harry, Fred/George Holly Black books: Val/Ravus, Corny/Luis
other interests: historical fiction, powerful women throughout history, writing fanfiction, writing fiction, being occasionally SRS BSNS, flipping through my spanish-english dictionary and learning random vocabulary, WRITING IN ALL CAPS WHEN I'M EXCITED
what's in my journal: My journal used to contain all my fanfiction updates, but those have moved over to my writing community. So NOW my journal is full of my actual life, which usually includes exerpts of my conversations because I like to talk. Occasionally, I post things that are less self-centered, like my political rants and my work-in-progress Interview With My Father. Plus all my fandom squee. XD
random piece of ( ... )


favorite_song September 24 2008, 00:46:38 UTC
Hi! You sound interesting. Friends?


smellyleaf September 24 2008, 01:29:58 UTC
Sure, bb! :) Adding you right now, cause you seem awesome too.


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favorite_song September 24 2008, 00:37:21 UTC
name / nickname: Katie
location: Houston, Texas
age: 17
main fandoms: Bandom, Narnia, Disney, Harry Potter
favourite pairings: I don't really have any. I don't discriminate with pairings.
other interests: Marine biology, reading, writing, probably some other not very interesting things
what's in my journal: Fic and stuff about my life
random piece of trivia: My school has been closed for the past week and a half and will probably be closed for at least the rest of the week because it doesn't have power. (Due to Hurricane Ike.)
anything else: I'd love new friends! I'm not picky at all.


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