The signup post!

Sep 01, 2011 00:00

You can stop holding your breath -- signups are now open for all participants!

Please read the complete rules before signing up. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. For anyone who is new, here's a basic rundown of the fest ( Read more... )

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rayvyn2k September 1 2011, 04:37:31 UTC
Journal/pen name: rayvyn2k
Email address: (required) rayvyn2k at yahoo dot com
Are you over 18? Well over.
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yep.

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Either!

4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Hermione, Snape/Lucius/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Draco/Hermione, Tonks/Snape, Tonks/Draco

Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: (optional)
Narcissa/Snape, Lucius/Pansy, Lupin/Hermione

Suggested prompts or kinks: I’m a sucker for magical bonding, light BDSM & spanking. I don't mind dub con as long as it becomes con. I love it when characters dance. Travel-especially Paris, Australia, Italy or Greece. Puzzles to be solved. Romantic holidays. Stranded in a snowstorm. I love humor. Stories with cats are all kinds of win. Romantic meals of any kind. I also adore Hogwarts as a setting, there is so much magic there. Canon or EWE, the artist’s choice-but we all know that Snape is alive. Any or none of the above as your muse leads you, but a happy ending is a must, please.

Squicks or characters/pairings you don't want to receive: No Marauders (with the exception of Lupin). No Lily. No Next-Gen. No babies or kids. No MPreg or any preg, for that matter. No bloodplay, watersports, breathplay, cutting, character death, extreme violence/graphic descriptions of violence. No angst.

Are you a writer or artist? Writer

Characters/pairings you can contribute: (minimum of 4-6; for very rare or tertiary characters, please try to list more) Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Hermione, Snape/Hermione/Lucius, Snape/any canon female (except Lily because she doesn't deserve him), Harry/Pansy, Draco/Hermione, Luna/Neville, Luna/any canon male not on my won't write list. Those are my preferences. I can do threesomes and moresomes of most canon characters. I can write pretty much any M/F pairing when it comes to hot sex if there doesn’t have to be too much plot. Except Ron. I can't write him as a sympathetic character to save my life.

Any pairings you'd rather not write/draw: Ron, Next Gen. Older characters like Dumbledore. Ghosts. Extremely minor characters, aka: Aberforth or Rosmerta. Most Death Eaters except for those already mentioned. No Dursleys.

Kinks or squicks you'd rather not write/draw: Same as above. I am best at graphic sex with a romantic edge and a happy ending.


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