The signup post!

Sep 01, 2011 00:00

You can stop holding your breath -- signups are now open for all participants!

Please read the complete rules before signing up. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. For anyone who is new, here's a basic rundown of the fest ( Read more... )

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Comments 114

nightfalltwen September 1 2011, 03:59:23 UTC
Journal/pen name: nightfalltwen
Email address: nightfalltwen @
Are you over 18? Am 31
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Absolutely and yes ma'am.

Do you prefer to receive art or fic? Either's good
4-6 preferred characters/pairings:
In no particular order:

Lavender Brown/Neville Longbottom
Susan Bones/Ron Weasley
Mandy Brocklehurst/Terry Boot
Hermione Granger/Cormac Mclaggan
Pansy Parkinson/Draco Malfoy
Tracey Davis/Theodore Nott

Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: If rarepairs don't float your boat, I'm always happy with Harry/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, George/Pansy or something with a Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff.
suggested prompts or kinks: I absolutely insist on Christmas being involved somehow, even if it's Christmas traditions from abroad. Everything else listed is a grab bag that you can pick and choose from ( ... )


nightfalltwen September 1 2011, 03:59:45 UTC
Kinks or squicks you'd rather not write/draw: Absolutely no BDSM of any sort. I can't write it without sounding like an idiot. Other than that, I'll say it like I always do. I don't really know that much about the really kinky stuff. To be honest, I don't even know that much about the milder kinky stuff. I can try writing something kinky... but my lack of knowledge might not get it right. I absolutely DO NOT want to write for a person who puts a restriction on the style, tense, point of view that I might choose. Meaning please don't give me someone who proclaims they hate second person POV or present tense. Not saying I will write in this style, but I want the freedom to choose and I've been burned in the past before.


nightfalltwen September 1 2011, 04:01:41 UTC
Placeholder for cryptaknight as she has just moved and isn't able to be online until Friday or Saturday


<3 cryptaknight September 2 2011, 01:32:27 UTC
Journal/pen name: ”cryptaknight”
Email address (required): cryptaknight13 @
Are you over 18? Nearly double that. :P
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? You betcha.

Are you a writer or artist? Writer
Do you prefer to receive art or fic? (limited by number of contributors, of course!) Either would be lovely.

4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Ron/Pansy, Draco/Hermione, Zacharias/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Charlie/Fleur, Sanguini/female from Harry’s era, and oh, idk, mix and match as you are inspired to do so. I like Charlie with basically most people, and don't mind seeing Zach match up against a Slytherin or one of his fellow Hufflepuffs.

Suggested prompts or kinks: I love plot. Seriously, if the fic has a plot, I will not be too picky about the particulars. That said, if you need something to fire your imagination, I like traveling, history, mysteries, and/or paranormal elements (especially if you choose Sanguini); I love strong female characters, men who don’t mind being challenged, and relationships that have a ( ... )


Re: <3 cryptaknight September 2 2011, 01:34:19 UTC
OK IDK what's up with my coding for usernames, but you get the idea.


Re: <3 nightfalltwen September 2 2011, 01:36:25 UTC


glitter_pink September 1 2011, 04:06:42 UTC
Journal/pen name: Lori
Email address:
Are you over 18?: Yes
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly?: Yes. Ah. Did.

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Fiction, please!
4-6 preferred characters/pairings:

Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: (optional)

Suggested prompts or kinks: I'm easily entertained. I like plot, humor, snark and romance. Christmas themes are welcome! If you are writing canon, please be DH compliant (EWE is fine, but not required), but AU is always welcome. Also, it’s a Christmas gift, so the story can be sad but end it on at least a hopeful note?

Including any of the following will just make me love you forever: Long roads to redemption, gradual changes of heart, being stronger together than apart, arguments turned sex, wall sex, research/studying/library sex, magical mishaps, time travel, potions, ( ... )


rayvyn2k September 1 2011, 04:37:31 UTC
Journal/pen name: rayvyn2k
Email address: (required) rayvyn2k at yahoo dot com
Are you over 18? Well over.
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yep.

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Either!

4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Hermione, Snape/Lucius/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Draco/Hermione, Tonks/Snape, Tonks/Draco

Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: (optional)
Narcissa/Snape, Lucius/Pansy, Lupin/Hermione

Suggested prompts or kinks: I’m a sucker for magical bonding, light BDSM & spanking. I don't mind dub con as long as it becomes con. I love it when characters dance. Travel-especially Paris, Australia, Italy or Greece. Puzzles to be solved. Romantic holidays. Stranded in a snowstorm. I love humor. Stories with cats are all kinds of win. Romantic meals of any kind. I also adore Hogwarts as a setting, there is so much magic there. Canon or EWE, the artist’s choice-but we all know that Snape is alive. Any or none of the above as your muse leads you, but a happy ending is a must, ( ... )


jairissa September 1 2011, 04:42:25 UTC
Journal/pen name: jairissa
Email address: jairissas at gmail dot com
Are you over 18? Yes
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yes

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Fic
4-6 preferred characters/pairings:
James/Lily: canon is great. James has hazel eyes and loses some of his meanness, but is still the class clown. Lily is not a total stick-in-the-mud (she did come home with magic tricks for her family during the holidays, after all).
Lucius/Narcissa: I see these two as equal partners. While Lucius might think he’s in charge, I figure Narcissa couldn’t have stayed married to him that long without being able to prove otherwise.
Luna/Neville: something during DH is great, afterwards is fine too. I love Neville a little unsure in romance, but otherwise a total BAMF and Luna is her usual intuitive, caring but slightly dotty self.
Teddy/Victoire: I prefer Victoire blonde and Teddy damaged. The poor kid was an orphan, and while he was surrounded by loving family, he’s going to have some issues.
Harry/Tonks: post- ( ... )


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