Found at: Your Existing Situation
Needs, and insists on having, a close and understanding relationship, or at least some method of satisfying a compulsion to feel identified.
Your Stress Sources
Eager to make a good impression, but worried and doubtful about the likelihood of succeeding. Feels that she has a right to anything she might hope for, and becomes helpless and distressed when circumstances go against her. Finds the mere possibility of failure most upsetting and this can even lead to nervous prostration. Sees herself as a 'victim' who has been misled and abused, mistakes this dramatization for reality and tries to convince herself that her failure to achieve standing and recognition is the fault of others.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity, but tries to avoid conflict
Your Desired Objective
Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. Takes pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. Has sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail.
Your Actual Problem
Disappointment at the non-fulfillment of her hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety. She is trying to escape from this into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, protecting her from dissatisfaction and lack of appreciation.
Your Actual Problem #2
Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on her resources. A feeling of powerlessness subjects her to agitation and acute distress. Tries to escape from this by relinquishing the struggle, and by finding peaceful and restful conditions in which to recuperate in an atmosphere of affection and security.
Interesting results... parts of I really agree with (like the need for close and understanding relationship, the "actual problem" part, and probably the "stress sources" part too) and parts of it I don't agree with (like the victim thing, and blaming others). But an interesting quiz regardless. And it mentioned hawt sex0rz! Go me! >_>
Mm, other than that... I just finished the two last papers I had due. I procrastinated them like crazy (I mean really bad... the paper that was due today at 3 pm I didn't even really start until 1 pm, and didn't hand it in until the last moment of class when I had to zoom around campus trying to find the professor who just happened to let class out early >.>), but eh, at least they're done now. I got a B- on the first one, which I'm fine with. I didn't even proofread the damn thing, that's how badly-organized I've been on these. As long as I can graduate, I'm cool.
I think things are sorta beginning to look up again, although there's still a lot floating around in my brain, especially when I leave the computer. I've been thinking a lot about Micah and I's relationship again, and its continual downhill plunge. I used to always have faith in him and in his ability to eventually find a job, but I dont know, that faith is just slipping rather quickly finally, which really isn't surprising considering the amount of dissapointments he's put me through. :/ I've been here 3 years now, and he's yet to even hold a decent job during that time... let alone save money for us to get a place together in Seattle, which was the original plan made 3 years ago. Blah, I don't really want to write about it too much, but yeah, thinking thinking. x_x
Well, I'm sleepy, can't think of what to write anymore... and now that I'm thinking about Micah and my frustrations again I need to blow away some mvps or something. >.>