Aug 13, 2008 00:34
as much as i dont want to sound sterotypical..i will say that music is a release of something internal, therapeutic, and ultimately unexplainable. i guess the closest to explaining is that when i play music i am in a different world and state of mind if i let it. if you let the secular problems enter into this world of escape then, for me, it is defeating its purpose. i have found a new escape through music and new meaning rises for it in me.
i met with matthew mayfield for the first time today and practice went well. i think he was really skeptical of the whole situation initially because he has had another cello player for a long time but she has gotten too busy and asked me if i wanted to play a few songs. therefore, today i had to learn 2 songs that she had already made up and worked on a song by myself. it just so happens that the new song that i got to work on today is going to be on his new album that is supposed to be done friday. ill be goin in the studio thursday morning and try to knock it out before lunch and head over to record more stuff for another friend of mine. it is such a blessing to have these opportunities. after a horrible day at work yesterday...this is exactly what i needed, a much needed release through music. i shall return to work tomorrow with a clean slate, clean state of mind. i totally look forward to thursday and recording..i love love love recording. the process of laying down tracks and working hard to make it perfection makes music memorable and i love that.
matthew and i surprisingly got along. i first met him at the first grey haven show and he seemed a little pompous to me, but i was definitely wrong. today i saw a new side, a vulnerable, raw, genuine side. we shared stories and our vibes grew as hours went by like seconds. he asked me to play 3 show which i am really pumped about. 2 workplay shows and 1 bottletree show. i've never played at bottletree so that should be new and exciting. well, i take that back, everything shall be new and exciting.
the olympics are my obsession. my dad and i stay up 'til the weee hours of the morning watching the olympics until our eyes are barely shut. i wake up the next morning sleep deprived and i blame it on the olympics the next day. michael phelps is about the craziest athlete there ever was, the men's chinese gymnastics team is pure insanity, the women's chinese gymnastics team all look about 12 and could probably kick your ass at any time of the day in any dark alley, the togo kyaker was purely inspirational...all of it is just amazing. the one thing i hate about it...the one and only thing i hate about the olympics are the stupid commentators. they have been extremely negative saying things like they couldve done this and that..just hush and shut up. so what..its about the here and now and if they mess up they mess up. i know they've been workign their whole lives for that moment, but it need to put salt in the wound.