the perfect time.

Jul 31, 2008 00:10

today was the day from hell..probably the worst day of work since i have been working at walgreens in forestdale. everyone was on their period, men and women the same, and definitely werent taking their midol.

i was helping this woman..and she was being EXTREMELY difficult and her insurance wasnt covering something and it was just taking a while. well, her impatient ass turned around to the woman that had been waiting behind her and was like "i'm sorry." then she looks back to the woman and says..."to you...not her" her being me. what the fuck. why cant people just grow some fucking manners. that's just one of the ten gillion things that went wrong today.

but when the day is done it is laid to rest. i lay it to rest. it is another day tomorrow.

within one click to facebook your day can change.

its funny how happy a mere bumper sticker from your friends on facebook can make someone's day. i used to think they were really stupid but today it calmed my heart and thats pretty powerful for a little bitty image.

2 entries ago i was writing about being upset about the wso show and how i felt like my loyalty to them was now scum under the toilet. god works and silly, funny, mysterious ways. after the day from hell (today) i get a facebook message from matthew mayfield and he expressed to me that he is in love with the cello (who wouldnt be? its only the most mellow, soothing, warming, welcoming sound you'll ever hear in your life!!) and that he has been a fan of my work at the grey haven shows (which i didnt even know he attended, which is kind of cool because he has played for 1 grey haven show). after the wso i was really down on myself and asking myself questions like: was i not good enough? did i not do it right? did i look stupid? why?

i know that i am my hardest critic. everyone is. i needed something to get me back on my saddle and matthew mayfield has done that for me. his message was inviting and unpressuring. quite frankly i am honored that he asked me to play for him. im kind of worried to know what happened to his other cello player..she was good and i dont want her to be upset like i was this past weekend. so after i figure out whats going on with back on my saddle.
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