grand theft auto style

Jul 25, 2005 14:55

they say u learn something new every day
this weekend i learned a whole fucking chapter of life
*it dosnt matterw when the party starts all that matters is when it ends..
* jungle juice never tasted soo good
* loosing ur sandals at the sac is reason enough to get trashed cuz that shit hurts!
* riding on quads when drunk is fucking scary but fun as hell
* sports cars dont belong in the desert!!! stay at the races dumbfucks!
* when im looking for a teddy bear in the middle of the desert, please take all alcohol out of my possesion
* a drunk taking care of another drunk was never soo amusing
* when guys start cracking bottles and talkig about guns and how they know the aztecas, its time to leave, not invite them to ur freinds fucking apt!
* claiming that the scariest looking guy around is ur over protective older brother saved my ass
*take the cell phone away from the drunk girl!
and u think i would learn but nooooo

sat night
* never leave my freinds in charge of getting drinks
* a 15 car train in the desert is just asking for trouble
* everclear is just legal rubbing alcohol!
* the desert should have road signs
* u dont need juarez to go dancing
* if ur gonna pee behind a car, make sure noone is in the car watching you..stupid perv!
* guys will be guys and fight, but please make sure the kid ur throwing punches at isnt your freind u drunk dumbfuck!
* and if ur freind is getting jumped please dont be a pussy and send my dumbass in to break it up!
* when ur freinds yell!
* dont get in the car with the keg...obvious!
* eveading arrest is nothing like in grand theft auto.. these cops dont get tired and a jeep cant drive at 140 mph..fuck the video game
* just when u thought u were safe think again
* cops should all be flogged and quartered, or burnt at the stake!
* only el paso police need 8 cars for 4 teenagers!
* its beeter to lie and say ur sober than admit u had a drink.. a lesson i learned
* 1 drink to a cop is public intoxication....stupid idiot!
* cuffs hurt
* holding cells are too small and cold
* and having some bitch watch u pee is the most uncomfotable thing!
* dont make conversation with the drunk in the cell next to u and dont smile when he starts talking shit to the cops
* pay ur ticket warrents!
* all is fun and games till u see the face busting you out
* i ahve no regrets except being in the car that decided to out run the cops but i feel like shit for putting my family thru this
so the main lesson i learned this weekend
and this is from the mouth of the cop
" just patry at your house, chances are u wont get caught"
so no more desert
juarez has those stupid caops at the border
my apt it is...

now time for homework!
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