101 in 1001 the second

Aug 10, 2009 22:33

Activism (5)

001 Get more involved in social justice activism

002 Go to REACH Camp again

003 Further develop my ethic (on poverty, veganism, education, healthcare, etc.)

004 Participate in the AIDS walk [signed up to help with kiddos]

005 Switch my bank account to the more socially just local credit union

Adventure (11)

006 Go on an adventure with Alicia [New Years 2010 - the Bye and Bye]

007 Ride a bike

008 Camp out in my backyard

009 Take photos in a photobooth

010 Go to a carnival

011 Watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly

012 Hike a several day long trail

013 Stay in a hostel

014 Get decked out to go bowling [Karaoking, but that's the spirit of the law, if not the letter]

015 Spend an afternoon at Rocky Butte [23 March 10]

016 Camp in the woods like we did when I was a kid

Books (10)

017 Read Yoder’s “What Would You Do?”

018 Leave six post-it notes in library books (1 2 3 4 5 6) (#1 - Manifesta, #2 - Empress of the World, #3 - The Glass, #4 - Savoy, #5 - Luna, #6 - The L Word season 3 [not technically a book, but still part of the library system])

019 Build up my kids’ library (have added 100+books and counting)

020 Read fifteen nonfiction books (15/15)

021 Discover a new (or old) writer & fall in love [David Levithan]

022 Spend the day in Powells (4/12/09)

023 Read 101 books I’ve never read before (101/101)

024 Reread all the Harry Potter Books (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

025 Listen to a book on tape/CD Inkspell (read aloud by the lovely Brendan Fraser)

026 Read all the books I own that I haven’t gotten around to yet

Creative Outlets (8)

027 Send in 3 more postsecrets (1 2 3)

028 Get a RENT tattoo (17 January 2010)

029 Buy or sew a polka-dot dress

030 Sew a bag with rad fabric (I've been given three homemade bags this year and couldn't possibly have another one...to much stuff!)

031 Make a rainbow set of whimsy jars

032 Get work done on my sleeve

033 Take photographs from one of Portland’s bridges

034 Hollow a book (in Progress 12/2009)

Education (8)

035 Graduate from college

036 Start my Masters program or be in Africa :D [applied accepted to teach in Tanzania-September 2011!]

037 (Student) teach where I’m a minority [currently student teaching in an 80% minority population school]

038 Take a sign language class

039 Refresh my French

040 Take a not for credit teacher class [Multiculturalism in Education - 4/25/10]

041 Take a creative writing class

042 Learn ten new words and use them (4/10) [learning a new language, so I'm calling it good :)]

Enjoy the Simple Things (14)

043 Sit on the roof and look at the stars

044 Walk the beach with a friend [yay Emily]

045 Make a list of my 101 favorite simple pleasures

046 Go shoeless for three days (1 2 3)

047 Write a line from Derek Webb on a dollar bill & send it back in circulation (25 August 2009-with Sisterchick)

048 Keep a book of my own Rules for my Unborn Son [in progress]

049 Start my English Patient-esq Book of Everything

050 Leave chalk messages (1 2 3 4 5)

051 Jump on a big trampoline

052 Finish a crossword puzzle with no helps

053 Pierce my nose

054 Dress up in a 1920s-esq outfit

055 Own a fish

056 Try absinthe

Entertainment (8)

057 Have a Lord of the Rings marathon

058 Watch all five seasons of QAF

059 Go to the drive-in

060 Have 101 TV free days (May 2011)

061 Have 101 internet free days (97/101)

062 Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies back to back (with some sleeping)

063 Ask more questions than answer them

064 Sing a classic song at Karaoke [a plenty...including some Frankie :D - 4/24/10]

Relationships (6/6)

065 Have another Sisterchick Day (25-26 August 09)

066 Spend a day with Gram doing what she wants

067 Create a gift for someone [Finn's epic Harry Potter box of goodies]

068 Initiate spending time with friends [1 2 3 4 5 6]

069 Make a new friend [Diane & Amanda]

070 Spend time with Janet outside of work

Spirituality (6)

071 Visit a Mennonite church

072 Memorize five new verses (1 2 3 4 5)

073 Relisten to the “Blessed are the Peacemakers” tape[s]

074 Attend service at an African church

075 Go AWOL for 24 hours

076 Finish journaling through “My Utmost for His Highest”

Suzie Homemaker (8)

077 Make injera bread

078 Start an Adoption (savings) Account

079 Go through basement (throw away/donate a lot)

080 Frame two art pieces (1 2)

081 Exchange some casual clothes for work safe ones

082 Make sandals out of a tire (bought them in Tanzania)

083 Clean up my hard drive [Finally fixed my CD drive!]

Travel (9)

084 Backpack through Europe

085 Visit Ethiopia

086 Tour a Reggio Emilia school It was a Waldorf School, but I'm gonna call it as counting

087 Roadtrip [July 2010 - Chicago to Iowa]

088 Ride a train [July 2010 - Chicago]

089 Obtain a passport (and use it)

090 Live in another country [Sept. 2011, here I come]

091 See a Broadway show. On Broadway.

092 Get a bicycle

Writing (8)

093 Outline the last half of Traitor to the Motherland [I've decided TttM is most likely retired completely]

094 Finish writing Traitor to the Motherland [see above]

095 Write a fantastic sentence

096 Spend a weekend writing at the beach

097 Fill up the rest of my journal with dialogue from The Other Side of Darkness (finished 22 August 09)

098 Write a detailed background story and outline for The Other Side of Darkness renamed The Mapless Wilderness of Love

099 Write everyday for a month, even if it sucks

100 Win NaNoWriMo again

101 Look into (and try) getting published

how ravenclaw-esque

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