Aug 01, 2008 12:30
I was going to go to the Colorado Renaissance Festival with friends, but I've decided that their water policy is too problematic for me to support them. Since I'm suceptible to dehydration thanks to a surgry I had, I emailed the Festival to find out whether I could bring water and whether or not water was available (not something you had to purchase) in the Festival. The response was that I could bring "one small unopened bottle." Yeah, that'll make all the difference in 90F heat.
I would rather have heard that, no, no outside water can be brought in because, I don't know, they're worried about people smuggling in booze, but that water was available at the aid stations. That would tell me that they aren't interested in making money off of people trying not to suffer health problems in the heat. This, this tells me that they are more interested in making money than they are in the health of the people who go to the Festival. I really can't think of any other outdoor, captive audience affair that does not have water available freely. So to hell with them and their stupid money-grubbing - they're not making any money off me. -_-
colorado renaissance festival,