May 27, 2003 00:59
for those of you who don't know or forgot here's the background information. my house is notoriously infamous for its hideous wallpaper. the living room had shiny wallpaper and the dining room was a continuation of that only with obnoxious FUZZY sepia-colored stripes over it. needless to say, when we bought the house we mustered up all of our energy and tore it all down. so in the dining room, we decided to go green. we sort of over-compensated for the fact that it used to be really dark in there and ended up with a piercing green color. anything was better than that wallpaper, but it was still pretty freaky; we then decided to paint it a different color.
we decided to tear down more wallpaper upstairs in the hallway. after numerous trips to home depot we decided to approach our perpetual fear of green and try it again. the whole project was painstaking, and heart-breaking even when it was finished and we realized that it was a horrific deja vu of our dining room debacle. if i may take a stab at predicting the future, it'll probably be painted again-- only a more tame color.
anyway, caitlin's roommate, tam is staying for this week. i feel sort of bad considering there's not a whole lot to do; not to mention weymouth suddenly decided to really try and be london by raining for a ridiculous amount of time. if they even pull this water-ban business again, they're insane.
by the way, did anyone notice that South Intermediate is completely demolished? ahh!
yeah, east :)