Ground chicken scares me

May 23, 2003 00:16

i had the weirdest dream last night. i don't know what was actually happening around me when i was asleep, but it was practically interactive. we had an eclipse, but the moon was on the inside of the earth-- and it was absolutely huge. so, everyone was outside watching it, but the moon bumped into a series of houses and knocked them all over--not to mention the moon was going at a miraculously fast speed. i think at that time there was probably a really loud noise outside of my house, cause i woke up at that point. but anyway, it was weird.

by the way, does anyone know when we get our grades from clark?

this week has been pretty good so far. i talked on the phone with a few clarkies and it's good to hear from them (despite the fact we've only been out for 2-3 weeks.) i'm still out of a job, but i've maintained some sort of busy-ness. well, not really...but atleast i survived it. hopefully i'll be working very soon though.

last night, me and laura just sort of drove around like the old days. it probably sounds pretty weird, but we really did do this a lot, and we haven't been able to do something together in a really long time. it's spending time like that that i realize just how close she is to me, and no matter what happened during the school year, she's still my best friend and will always be.


my IDOL was at the red sox game last night! that's right, john williams was AT the game in the stands! they showed him sitting in the stands, and at that point, i wanted to make my way over to fenway. casie, i'm jealous that you were breathing the same air as him, and i hope that you don't mind sharing some of it with me.

i betcha he really likes manny ramirez, too.

i don't know about you, but whenever i compose something, i realize much later on that i actually stole it from someone else. lesley, this past time it was your haydn solo...ahh!

remember how big his nose was?
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