Conception// Intro post~

Jun 14, 2011 00:54

[Hello, citizens of the dressing room. Whoever you are, you see a flash of white light, and a white-cloaked figure steps out of the portal just before it closes. The man gives off an otherworldly aura of sheer power, yet he is clearly a demon at heart.

The King of Bel. The Messiah. He is all of these things at the same time.]

So, this explains everything.

[Abel readies himself. He knows for a fact that he is no longer back in his home world, where he stands unopposed and unchallenged as the absolute judge of humanity. Here, the same rules no longer apply to him. Abel feels the presence of many demons, who are as strong and ferocious as any Bel he has ever faced, yet they do not seem outwardly hostile to him.

No matter. Any demon is an enemy of God, and by that logic, an enemy of society as well. Abel's purpose still stays the same. To spread the word of the Kingdom of Saints so as to usher in the new world of the Lord. That is his ultimate objective.]

Greetings. I am Abel, the Chosen One and the Messiah of my world. I have come here as an envoy from the Kingdom of Saints to save all of you.

Those who believe will be saved, and those who do not will perish. That is the natural order of things in Heaven. Ask, and you shall receive eternal joy and salvation.

[Abel proceeds to stand in the middle of the Mall, the first step to a revolution in this world.]

Do not fear, my brothers and sisters, for this is the start of a new world.

devil survivor's protagonist

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